I would suggest following Seren or Armadyl. Seren has the same exact thoughts as Guthix. She agrees that the mortals shouldn't be worshiped and wants to stay out of the war as much as possible. She cares so much for her people and other mortals who followed Guthix.
Armadyl is really the only person who speaks honestly. Everyone calls him a hypocrite, but he isn't. He tries to do what is right.
Bandos started to build his tower first, and that is why Armadyl came in. To protect everyone that Bandos threatened, including other followers of other gods. Protecting Falador when it wasn't his people. Something Saradomin didn't care anything about.
His book states that he doesn't like to fight. But if it comes to it, he will. He crushed Bandos' head to prove a point that he isn't as naive as he was in the God Wars in the 3rd Age.
Come the Sixth-Age, the world will need the World Guardian.
21-Jun-2016 17:49:37