Thank you for clarifying the theory!
WHere did you hear that they decided to only do 1 more Meryque quest instead of two? I ahdnt heard anything of the sort.
Problem with the sixth age is, presumably Morytania would end upp becoming a Saradomin vs. Zamorak battle. Problem is , if enough people side with Zamorak, the Meryque will never be free of Drakan....
On the other hand, it might not be that way. Zamorak's main philosophy is Strength through Chaos. There is very little chaos going on in Morytania, it's all a carefully structured hierarchy, with the Vampyres leeching power from those below them.
While he might not want Saradomin in charge there, I can't see Zamorak liking it there the way it is either. Drakan, in all probability knows this, and probably would want to keep Morytania the way it is.
If so, the commonly speculated break between Drakan and Zamorak might happen. Again, another if, if "the stone" Drakan is looking for is the SoJ ( with a desire to break from Zamorak giving him good reason to find it) we might liberate Morytania from the Vampyres no matter which god here we choose, since Drakan and the Vampyres will attempt to form their own faction.
Furthermore, if Zamorak dosnt step in, Saradomin himself probably won't (he'll be facing off against some other god somewhere), but the Icyene might. So the Icyene and player might help deliver Morytania from teh Vampyres, eliminating a potential upstart newborn godling (Drakan) without ruffling any other gods feathers or making the gods themselves enter the Morytanian picture.
27-Jul-2013 23:00:50