As you say, AMH, the arrival of the Sixth Age could change everything. Mod Osborne and Mod Ana's comments about Drakan and the series strongly suggest that the finale will be set in the Sixth Age, so I'm afraid that we can rule out Fifth Age politics from the equation.
Your (and Doogle's?) comments about rune essence, daeyalt ore and the SoJ are very interesting. If you're correct, it could very well be daeyalt ore that has/is weakening the Salve barrier. If that's the case, Drakan might not be interested in increasing his personal powers after all.
Balustan, do you have any idea how long it will take Mod Ana to finish the new skill? While I really want to see the series rolling again, I think it might be a good thing that the next (and probably last) quest won't be released soon, lest the hype and excitement of the Sixth Age might rob the series of its glory.
29-Jul-2013 13:36:39