First off, I would like to apologise for asking people to post questions for the Lore Q and A and then forgetting to do so myself. Doh!
Anyway, I picked out these points. Some are interesting, one might be, some are not.
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4) Is Vanstrom Klause really dead?
Mod Osborne 4) Yes, very dead. Twice dead, technically!
That probably means that I'm wrong to speculate that Vanstrom will come back to haunt us in some way, but does 'twice dead' mean that he wasn't always a Vampyre?
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Are the novels canon? - Mod John A: We also can't rely on all RS players having read the novels. That means we can't write in-game stories that assume the player has read the novels; the novels are an optional extra rather than something you have to read in order to get the full story of RS.
That's not the full quote, but the main point to garner from that is that what happened in the novels will have no bearing on the future of the series, lest those who haven't read them miss out on the full story.
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A divine nub said:
When Drakan took over morytania alot of people living in morytania were captured, how is it that the Myreque managed to get past the vampires and went in to hiding without being noticed? Cause even vanstrom klause couldn't find them anywhere until we came along to assist him.. :o
Mod Osborne - There is something or someone interesting among the Myreque that makes them more than human.
Mos Osborne could be referring to Safalaan here, but we already know that. That 'something' makes me think that he is referring to the 'someone' having a special power which ordinary humans don't have. This would be Ivan Strom and his 'faith' in Saradomin, as described in In Search of the Myreque, though he later has some disagreements with the church's teachings. Ivandis Seergaze might have left another legacy which we don't know about, as some other posters have already suggested.
28-Jun-2013 12:33:55