• Zamorak: ... You know what happens if you break this vow, Zaros. Viniculum Juris is not forgiving.
• Zaros: Yes...I will be undone.
• Zamorak: Then it is no longer a matter of trust. Keep your word, or cease to exist.
• Zaros: We are clear on the consequences. Do you accept my wording?
• Zamorak: With one last ritual you will end the need for any more, prevent any further energy drain and in turn empower us all. If you deliver on this promise, I must perform one action for you in Sliske's game.
• Zaros: And the request I intend for you to act upon will be denoted by...
• Zamorak: You will address me as your Legatus Maximus.
• Zaros: Then it is settled. Player can serve as our witness, he is sure to be present at Sliske's game. Let us begin.
• Zamorak & Zaros: Animus contrahendi. Viniculum Juris!
• Zaros: It is done. We are bound.
• Zamorak: Then hold up your end of the bargain, Zaros. Now.
• General Khazard: F-father, can we really trust this to work?
• Zamorak: He is bound to his word by Viniculum Juris, Khazard. Either he keeps his promise or he wil be destroyed, both outcomes are victories.
• Zaros: Zamorak, I have kept my word. When Sliske holds his end game, you will be my Legatus Maximus once more.
• Zamorak: Do not taunt me, Empty Lord. I owe you no fealty.
• Zaros: We shall see.
• Zamorak: Today, the victory is ours. Mahjarrat, we spoke to Seren as a downtrodden race, sulking and sorry for ourselves. We may have been pushed to the brink of extinction, we may be few, but today is the dawning of a new era. Look around you. This day you have all grown in power. Adversity has pushed every one of you to become greater than you could have ever imagined. And I have achieved godhood. The genes of our species hold such incredible potential, it is within all of you. We are too few to continue these petty feuds. It is time we put aside our differences. It is time we unite!
28-Nov-2016 23:04:41