
What Secrets Remain (5th age)

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Apollo X
Jan Member 2015

Apollo X

Posts: 40 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cthris said :
Return of Zaros
-who J is?
-who the assassin is?
-Moia's mum?

Is J not obviously Jhallan? Do we need our hands held on every detail?

Moia's mother isn't relevant, nor is more Moia (exclusive to the 5th age), but more generally, Mahjarrat-Human hybrids is something I have a keen interest in (and ideas relating to) learning more about. They're not "unfinished business," though.

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Desert series
There's an npc who mentions he might be able to upgrade our granite gear, would make a neat mini quest.

Would be nice to incorporate into M/S update, but probably belongs somewhere between mining and crafting.

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The ghostly robes
Ghosts are still trapped in the shadow realm. Would be cool if something was done with them.

They're cursed for eternity because of their treachery, so why would they go anywhere?

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-in some of the older quests random monster a are introduced just for bosses and the race never shows up again. For example the Roc in My arms adventure. Would be nice if these races were used more to cement them in the Rs world a

Disagree. IRL Rocs are legendary birds, like the Thunderbird. They're one-off creatures in my book. Not everything needs explaining.

Lord Drakan said :


It'd be nice to be able to replay the Gnome series, as having done almost all of them many many years ago, I have absolutely NO idea what the hell is going on with that plot.

Lord Drakan said :
Drakkerkin series
- How did Robert travel to Kethsi? How did Etheron travel the multiverse?
- Why were the Dragonkin released upon the Balance Elemental's death?
- What is the Vault, and how did the Dragonkin get the mirror artefact?
- Did the Dragonkin or did they not sack Saranthium?


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- General information about the former horror civilisation.
- Xau-Tak, skeletal horror, etc.


18-Jul-2017 02:38:26

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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Nope, J is not Jhallan. J is almost certainly human, since he required runes to progress in Ghorrock, and he almost certainly died as well, either from starvation or frostbite or being fried to a crisp by the dragons or something.

Az describes him as a "strong fighter" and "of razor wit". Granted, Jhallan fits both criteria, but he wouldn't really be a servant of Azzanadra's and he was also frozen in a cave when Az returned.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

18-Jul-2017 12:44:29



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Summerleaf said :
pl0x. I want something Loarnab related in that hole.

Exposing remains of one of Loarnab's heads in DoD to ancient spells in the same order as were used to defeat it in the Codex Ultimatus causes the following dialogue:

A voice in your head shouts: 'LOARNAB ANGRY!'
A voice in your head quivers: 'LOARNAB AFRAID!'
A voice in your head queries: 'LOARNAB CONFUSED?'
A voice in your head fades: 'LOARNAB LOSE HOPE...'

Not so coincidentally, the rooms in Tolna's Rift in the order they are accessed are :


That's ignoring the parallel between a hydra god and Tolna becoming a three headed creature with serpentine necks during his stay there.

The whole rift is Loarnab related already. All that's really left is to incorporate Loarnab's remains or otherwise make the connection more explicit.

18-Jul-2017 13:12:45

Nov Member 2012


Posts: 3,313 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hguoh said :
Summerleaf said :
pl0x. I want something Loarnab related in that hole.

Exposing remains of one of Loarnab's heads in DoD to ancient spells in the same order as were used to defeat it in the Codex Ultimatus causes the following dialogue:

A voice in your head shouts: 'LOARNAB ANGRY!'
A voice in your head quivers: 'LOARNAB AFRAID!'
A voice in your head queries: 'LOARNAB CONFUSED?'
A voice in your head fades: 'LOARNAB LOSE HOPE...'

Not so coincidentally, the rooms in Tolna's Rift in the order they are accessed are :


That's ignoring the parallel between a hydra god and Tolna becoming a three headed creature with serpentine necks during his stay there.

The whole rift is Loarnab related already. All that's really left is to incorporate Loarnab's remains or otherwise make the connection more explicit.

I've already made the comparison. I'm just looking for a reason for it to get graphically updated because it looks ancient. Thanks for insulting me tho.


Additional stuff based on other people's posts here:

The Assassin
Moia's Mom

19-Jul-2017 21:50:32

Eren Lapucet

Eren Lapucet

Posts: 1,658 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
One thing that isn't technically a fifth age series, but could potentially be one, is a Raptor series. The other signatures heroes either have a series related to them, or died/turned into zombies (nice trend you got there jagex). He's always made out to be an enigma, and a quest or quests would be the best way to develop his character. It's long overdue, so it fits the "unfinished business" criteria jagex is going for atm. I'm too Unaligned to have a forum signature.

19-Jul-2017 23:54:24



Posts: 5,069 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Eren Lapucet said :
One thing that isn't technically a fifth age series, but could potentially be one, is a Raptor series. The other signatures heroes either have a series related to them, or died/turned into zombies (nice trend you got there jagex). He's always made out to be an enigma, and a quest or quests would be the best way to develop his character. It's long overdue, so it fits the "unfinished business" criteria jagex is going for atm.
I disagree, signature heroes aren't 5th age content.
Patrolling Lore FC almost makes you wish for a Great Revision.

20-Jul-2017 01:31:15

Nov Member 2013


Posts: 548 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Raleirosen said :
Eren Lapucet said :
One thing that isn't technically a fifth age series, but could potentially be one, is a Raptor series. The other signatures heroes either have a series related to them, or died/turned into zombies (nice trend you got there jagex). He's always made out to be an enigma, and a quest or quests would be the best way to develop his character. It's long overdue, so it fits the "unfinished business" criteria jagex is going for atm.
I disagree, signature heroes aren't 5th age content.

Actually, they are. Some of them, at least, and it depends on the context which they appear in.

Anyways, I'd love to see what's going on with Arposandra and Glouck, who has overthrown Glouphrie, the city's original founder.

I'd also like to tie up a few loose ends with the Myreque series. The splinter group still wasn't entirely explained in River of Blood. Polmafi Ferdygris's, who was thrown back into the portal that led to Vampyrium, fate is still uncertain. It's safest to assume he's dead, but a final confirmation would be nice.
You can't read this signature. It's written in invisible inque.

22-Jul-2017 07:36:23

I Kinda Fail

I Kinda Fail

Posts: 14,497 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The one that's always bothered me, before the pirate series ends, can we get a little more information about the connection between the pirates and the Skeletal Horror? The black mask that cave horrors wear is seemingly made from the same rock we use to reanimate the dead parrot, and when we wear it, it enhances our melee abilities. The skeletal horror's face is the same shape as the mask, if I'm remembering right. Is there a reason that the horror has relocated to between Varrock, Morytania and the Wilderness? Click here to support my idea to make the Chronicle Absorption prayer useful!
Click here to support replacing the Lumbridge Crater!

25-Jul-2017 10:07:54

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