I agree that making her personality based on decisions in the quest is a very bad idea. We've already seen what happens in this sort of situation with the Bandos/war faction.
We do not need another faction becoming split and unusable because of quest content (which is why a sequel to The Mighty Fall should be fairly high up on Jagex's list of things to do).
Choices having consequence and a non-linear story are great things to have in a game, but so far Jagex has tended to either throw out the player's choices in favor of a situation that happens regardless of the choice (While Guthix Sleeps, The World Wakes), or refuse to continue the story at all (The Mighty Fall, The Void Stares Back).
If they wanted to add the option to sabotage Seren's personality, they should do so in a way similar to Zaros's sabotage in Fate of the Gods, so that it doesn't affect the faction much.
I could see it working if the player was given two options for Seren: to restore her completely, or sabotage a fragment of her personality. That way, if the player wanted to sabotage Seren, the Elves could run her faction for her, so the faction wouldn't change much.
Of course, they could always pull a Hero's Welcome and force the player character to care about restoring Seren.
24-Jul-2015 23:38:32