Just gonna put this CoM quote right here for Dilbert:
Why do Mahjarrat have crystals on their foreheads?
A valid question, if an unusual one to ask now. One answer will be less than satisfying. We were made by Mah, and she simply made us that way. We were likely formed from the same crystal that covers Zaros and Seren's bodies. But that gives rise to other questions. Were we made from Zaros? Are we children of Zaros, not Mah? Like the elven city, were we constructed from Seren? We will never find out now. When we die, our crystals remain, yet the rest rots away. It is likely, then, to be our source of power, our long life.
It may even be the substance that denies us an afterlife.
To answer your question, why do we have these crystals? It is because these crystals are who we are.
Mahjarrat don't get an afterlife, Wahisietal acknowledges this (only speculating as to what may be the cause) just as Cthris's Azzanadra quote equally points out (unless you count the preservation of their memories within their crystals (see: Mahjarrat deathstones) an afterlife, though I view it more as an echo/recording of what their consciousness was in life).
That's kind of why Sliske took a piece of our soul for himself and later seems to have grafted his consciousness onto our soul when we killed him.
24-Mar-2021 00:29:11
- Last edited on
24-Mar-2021 00:36:26