Be sure to read through the thread before responding @itsjohnor . I know it's been flooded with spam, which is one of the reasons I still think a fresh thread would be good.
Anyway, I already explained why I don't support host-only burners. W330 is critical for new and mid game players. I haven't had a
friend actually stick with the game without using w330 hosts. 2 of them made their early money helping burn for a host (10k from stronghold doesn't cut it in this economy! Haha). Also running d bones. Likewise, someone could make side money burning on an alt while focusing on main. If there were a bigger, more definite, more game-impacting issue with this purported botting, I'd
see a reason to strip this great early/mid game content from the game. Otherwise it seems like a drastic change for a mere allegation rooted in competitive passion.
What are your thoughts on having skilling hubs (nothing overpowered or super high level of course) in POHs?? That could provide a function for alternative hosts besides the established ones. And maybe help detach you from some of this inter-host drama and focus on accusations. I saw the YT vid you posted of botting, but I don't see how that exposes anyone else. Sadly, I (and jagex) have been aware of the existence of bots and scripts for decades. Its an uphill battle with bots... Sisyphus type stuff heh
I think a button to ban people from providing feedback on a suggestions thread would be counterproductive. Also, I see you use threats a lot in this thread: "your finished" "your starting to get on my nerves". Instead, stay focused on feedback about the suggestions.
The preloading was from a Twitter thread with mod ash. I think it would discourage botting but yes, it would make hosting easier. Perhaps, that would only be unlocked with 99 con or something? I dunno, i just provided a list of on-topic suggestions
09-Jul-2023 15:13:27
- Last edited on
09-Jul-2023 15:23:39
capn j a z z