(I deleted the quote in case that accusatory comment is removed)
I have never hosted, except with friends for corp because I have a maxed house but that doesn't really count as hosting. So, no, my perspective is from the majority --people who used w330 to make early and mid game more enjoyable and who encourage new players to do the same.
I am not involved in any "malpractice: so far y'all's evidence of that is that "it's obvious" and the other guy posted some bot script he used, which does not incriminate anyone else. You went into batmans house and accused him, and your evidence was that he got upset by that.
My perspective, again, is that of the majority. What you are asking for is jagex to "level the playing field" for a niche part of a niche part of the community. This isn't even the majority of hosts asking for this. So it would be a niche of a niche.
My issue with these ideas is that we would be inconveniencing the majority, and what would be gained? So far the only benefit I've seen listed is more immediate success for you.
As a poh user, I often get annoyed when none of my regulars is on and I have to sift through the ad board till I find a layout that's usable. Having an overabundance of new, inexperienced hosts looking for a quick rapport would increase this inconvenience, as would many the ideas rabbitmeds enumerated. Also, new players would not be able to burn for gp, and idle hosts using alts would be punished based on allegations. Nothing wrong with doing 2 accounts at once.
27-Jun-2023 15:23:50
- Last edited on
27-Jun-2023 15:36:46
capn j a z z