I have been wanting this for a long time, can you include a short and easy "notebook" to keep notes and todo items? Its pretty straight forward, just a large text field like this box I'm typing in right now, and the persistence with the character (so it saves) in case that isn't clear.
Every companion app has this feature, in game would be nice.
Pennant (https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Pennant) will give Crystals acorns (https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Crystal_acorn) for Crystal teleport seeds (https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Crystal_teleport_seed)? This should be in a balanced ratio so not 1:1
After you get Eternal teleport crystal (https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Eternal_teleport_crystal) there is no other use for the Crystal teleport seeds and they clutter up the bank.
I also got a question regarding Eternal teleport crystal. Do these stack in the bank?
training your ranged on the Dark Wizards in Draynor. The wizards sometimes spawn on the same block where other players stand while cutting down Willow Trees.
You get the kill and your loot drops on the ground, ready to be picked up.
However, another player previously dropped their entire inventory of Willow Logs, which are now appearing on your screen.
Your loot is at the bottom of the list of loot which can be picked up. The list is long due to the amount of Willow Logs and takes up the entire screen.
You cannot see your loot, nor can you pick up the Willow Logs in order to shrink the list to be able to see your loot.
Possible Solution:
Adjust the coding so all of your loot is at the top of the list.
18-Aug-2019 13:52:48
- Last edited on
18-Aug-2019 13:53:44
Dan McLellan
I think many people would agree that the 2008 Halloween event was one of the BEST holiday events RuneScape has ever seen. Recent years have felt a little lackluster, and just not "spooky" like they used to be. How about a repeat of sorts? Some possible returning content could be...
-The two traveling witches and their skeleton cows
-XP-giving Goulash
-Purple cats
-Decorated towns
-Trick Emote
-Swept Away holiday quest
Some new possibilities and rewards...
-Pumpkins added to the farming skill
-"Carve" and "light" option for pumpkins
-Adding Jack-O-Lanterns to your POH (similar to Wintumber tree)
-Enchanting your broomstick to fly!
On RS3, you could only fly to the Sorcerer's Garden with you broomstick. What if we opened up some new destinations? Broomsticks could require charges similar to a games necklace or amulet of glory, then might need "re-enchanting". It'd be rather fitting for the time period of RuneScape anyway!
I'd really like to hear anyone's feedback on these ideas.
You accidentally burn the shrimp.