Please remove and stop adding dead content to achievement diary requirements, for example hours of chompy kills for westerns, trouble brewing for another (I forget which one), and 5 hours of mage arena for lumbridge. Forcing players to do these dead minigames which serve no benefit to player other than the diary itself which has only a small reward is unfair.
I feel that it simply wastes my time and frustrates me to have to do this, and almost like Jagex are just trying to troll us by putting them in. I'm sure other players feel the same, and know that people I've spoken to do. The spirit of diaries was originally that once you meet the high skill/quest requirements which are useful for other things in the game you can get a little advantage like teleports etc, not grinding hours for the diary alone, and especially something that gives no reward and no one knows how to do. If you want to revive dead content then make it useful and/or enjoyable, don't try and force us to do it - it's dead for a reason.
14-Jan-2017 20:38:33