#1-The Key is sort of plain looking such as that of a gray stone we find out the ground, ie; the Melzers 'Maze Key' is shinier looking than the Crystal key and the Crystal Key does not look relevantly close to being transparent at all like a crystal-like object should. I mean, it's not clean cut and looks rough like a Crystal should, but maybe give it some extra fog-effects (recoloring) and a bit closer to a pearly-white smokey color or maybe just make it a little transparent more like a crystal should be and bring the gray-tone down a little bit.
#2-The Crystal Chest in Taverley looks kind of old and plain for 2019, am I right? I know this is OSRS and we all want it to remain what it is today with no further insane updates but even a Dwarf from 1999 would tell you it's nice to upgrade now and then
So I was thinking why not make the Crystal Chest a big more Crystal-like and have it match the colors of the Crystal Key itself? I would keep the same style of 'chest' but where the wood coloring is, I would change that to the exact color that could be chosen for the new coloring of the Crystal Key. It would stand out better as well for newer players that are looking for it
I hope this at least gets looked at and considered a decent idea, but if it's not changed, it wont bother me, but I figured it was a cool idea
I enjoy most of the OldSchool music when I'm 'scaping, but the GE track "The Trade Parade" makes me want to chew up and swallow an empty aluminum can of mountain dew.
Maybe this can be introduced with a holiday event based in the GE that unlocks an alternate track, giving players the option to right-click the track and choose a default.
A silly suggestion, but I'd love to have the ability to "drop" fish back into the water where it was pulled from. Really brings together the whole catch and release practice you experience in real fishing. Thanks for your time.
I would like to see a change in how the Dragon Slayer quest is conducted. I just tried to do this quest when not one but four characters came in after I was battling Elvarg and stole the dragon from me. Can't you make it so that if one character is fighting Elvarg NO one can enter? Or make the fight an instanced quest where everyone gets their own Elvarg. In all four instances the kill stealers waited till I started fighting the dragon before they came in and stole it from me. In none of the four deaths of Elvarg did I get the head. I lost food and took damage so they could steal my kill? What kind of fight did you people design? It is NOT a multi fight area.