
Small Suggestions Thread Thread is sticky

Quick find code: 322-323-184-65614746



Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Would it be possible to allow players to change the color of their prospector helmet to a grey at the motherload mine for a cost of 300 Golden Nuggets, or at the mining guild for around 200 unidentified minerals? This way it could be made to match the rest of the prospector set as well as the skill cape.

15-Feb-2021 00:15:02

Feb Member 2020


Posts: 40 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
AFK playing, is not playing at all...

Can we all agree that some skill need to be a bit more bearable at the least?? Hallowed Sepulcher was an amazing add! Thank you.

But what about some of the other skills? the shooting star random event thing was a pretty cool and fun way to skill. And the same thing with the tree that you had to chop and burn.

I think these were from Distractions and Diversion. But also, what about "THE ONE" random event for fishing? IDK like have a crew on a ship to catch "THE ONE" (a big fish) to get xp for fishing. so much better than brain dead fishing for hours...

AFK playing, is not playing at all.

Please add some creative ways for skilling, seriously please.

15-Feb-2021 04:56:48



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Would it ever be within the realm of possibility to see the Stronghold of Player Safety, the Fist of Guthix, and/or the Runecrafting minigame in their original locations added to OSRS (March, April, and August 2008 updates respectively)?

There is a strong case to say that OSRS was within it's final chapters after all of these were implemented. Having always played f2p, I fondly remember these inclusions as the peak of the years I spent playing Runescape.

Being a huge part of that chapter in Runescape's life, they would definitely promote more longevity and interest towards the game for players within the community; especially f2p players who lack many meaningful and fun ways to play OSRS.

One last QoL inclusion I would like to see would be the much favoured Cabbage Ring to teleport to the patch near Draynor.

I'm very much enjoying the current preservation of OSRS, but seeing these changes would be incredible.

15-Feb-2021 21:11:23



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(Vorkath's Head Uses)

I've just been killing Vorkath for a while and I can easily get 3-4 kills, guaranteed to also fill up my inventory from the loot. The majority of the loot being the Blue Dragon hides.

Can you consider the ability to craft Vorkath's Heads into a storage container for blue dragonhide and maybe even the bones? Possibly also make the (container) degrade.

The item can be untradeable and will need a certain crafting level to create along with 1 Vorkath's Head and X amount of Blue Dragonhide.

It would be a small update that offers a bit of quality of life I suppose for those killing Vorkath and maybe even other dragons?

16-Feb-2021 10:41:02



Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Could we have a confirmation warning when you go to change your name using the Name Checker?

I was looking up some names on OSRS Mobile and I somehow managed to end up with an Autocorrected name with one misplaced finger.

I’m now called Say By for a couple weeks. “Please confirm you would like to change your name from ___ to Say By” would have been nice..

17-Feb-2021 13:03:42

Oct Member 2017


Posts: 32 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We have all seen or hear about this matter, some people are being harassed by other players and/or bots, that attempt to login to your account, and that ends up preventing you from logging into your very own account.

We already have the Authenticator that aids us, in preventing someone from accessing our account, in the event they have our login information.

IP Authenticator

Opt-in, so you are not forced to use said system.

Allow X IP adresses to attempt to login (If an IP adress is not listed, it will not attempt to login)

In the event, your IP adress is altered, i.e. ISP changes it, you can login to the Runescape website and add/remove IP adress.

Multiple IP adresses being whitelisted

I proposed said idea to a few of my clan mates, and some of them were concered about the idea, that Jagex would store these IP adresses. What people dont understand is, that they are already storing said IP adresses. How do you think, they can identify you as the true owner of an account, in the event it has been hijacked?

How do you think they range ban someone who is botting? They do that partly based on IP adresses, so they already got them. This system would atleast aid those, who struggle with people who know their username information, so they can actually play the game.

And for those otherwise, it would make it less likely for a hijacker, to access your precious account.

17-Feb-2021 13:57:51



Posts: 61 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Add more head trophy hotspots to the skill hall.

Currently there is only 1 spot available to players. It will most likely be filled with a kq head for the elite desert diary.

I think increasing the number of hotspots would greatly improve how the room looks and give some new life to dead content (particularly the lower level slayer monster drops such as the basilisk and cockatrice heads)

I understand the heads can be turned into the dark alter for some prayer experience but it feels like a bit of a waste with how rare they are.

18-Feb-2021 15:42:02

Aqua Regalia
Nov Member 2023

Aqua Regalia

Posts: 69 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bring back co-op slayer, please.
It not fair for us who use it as a fun social activity and according to what I read, it takes a lot of time to effectively set up the abuse. You could make it as if when in co-op slayer is active, masters will ignore the blocked tasks both players have.

18-Feb-2021 17:30:14

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