Is it possible to add a few more colors to select from for default clothes from varrock clothes store? Personally looking to be able to change clothes to the color brown. Don't really have any other suggestions for colors though. Maybe a brighter white color would be nice as well?
Runescape herb farmer an farming fanatic
Purple PartyHat enthusiast
Mirror enchanted and unenchanted gold jewelry, just like the silver jewelry is. As it is now, it is mildly difficult and irritating to enchant a full inventory of dueling rings, skills necklaces, etc, due to how easy it is to lose track of which ones you have already enchanted when working quickly.
Buff/Add something to make the black demon drop table a little more rewarding. I know that you can kill the gorillas for decent money but I feel as though black demons have such a lack luster drop table considering the time it takes to kill them.
I've played Runescape for along time now, my account is around 13 years old. I miss getting back into the game I haven't played in 4 years. I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to do so the way I enjoyed playing it back then. I amassed thousands of hours playing back in the day, gained maxed combat , achieved over a dozen maxed skills, having said that I have no interest in starting completely over from square one. I feel its fair to allow transfers especially if said transfers would not effect high scores in anyway and be without Gp/ items as to not effect the current market or hardcore skillers.
Hey, there guy who made a fake website login to phish passwords and usernames under the ruse of a giveaway no one has banned him yet. He is on Pest Control clan chat spamming 150m give away. you go to his youtube and he links you to a thread that looks like the runescape forum and it forces you to login. Link for this youtube video and scam are:
Remove tears of guthix from the lumbridge hard diaries
It's not "hard", it's RNG. On top of that, it's very painful to get 100 points with Australian ping. I consider runescape to be a very fair game, however tears of guthix isn't really fair unless you have servers for your country.