As a reward for some tier of the Lumbridge or Falador diaries, players should be able upgrade the prospector helmet to be a light source like the mining helmet. It would have the same Firemaking requirement as the Dorgeshuun helm, and probably should require a certain Smithing or Crafting Level to make the new item.
In the Varrock Museum, there's a "question" on the penguin exhibit that might need revision. It says: "Describe the behaviour of penguins?" That's not a question, so why does it have a question mark?
Couple of small suggestions:
I think it would be pretty cool if you collected pieces of the bee keeper outfit from this random event instead of the random junk, it would make more people actually WANT to complete it, the event is pretty complex if you haven't done it before anyway which makes it a waste of time in its current state.
I personally hate to go through the dialogue, would it be game breaking to have a right click option to rent the falcon from him instead of having to read the same dialogue repeatedly? getting to 63 hunter is tedious enough
For all the people who actually enjoy the Runescape music, it would be nice if there were more than 1 song playing in a single area. So instead of having 1 song playing over and over, there would be a playlist of songs for each area in the game.
But at the same time you would have to unlock the songs the normal way, so if you only had a few songs in that playlist, only those songs would be played.
22-Feb-2016 00:17:53
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22-Feb-2016 00:24:49
i was thinking of an item useful for slayer just now that would be great. maybe there could be a possibility for adding a coin pouch? something that would magnetically grab coins off the ground from slayer or monster drops and could only be deposited at the bank and can't be added to manually. i feel that this item would be great for ironmen such as myself
Allow us to pay coins to repair amulet of the damned. It shouldn't turn to dust, that just makes it dead game content when it could potentially save Karil's coif and Ahrim's hood as content. We need more coin sinks.
I think there would be a fantastic alternative to streaming that Jagex could take control of. Similar to how Xbox has in game streaming, why not allow a spectate option on accounts. When the spectate option is enabled, other player will be able to spectate the player. This could also lead to an app that allows you to follow players, regardless of being near a computer. Similarly, Jagex could gain royalties from commercials, and also sell "Premium" mode that allow players to skip out on the commercials. There would have to be a motivation for players to want to enable the stream so donation and possible free membership to those who have a major following. This could be a major money maker for Jagex, and Runescape if taken advantage of. Contact for further information and the Entirety of this plan.