Unless you're a certain rank or have permission on the clan chest you have to deposit items of equalish value in order to take something out!
I seriously love the idea of collateral! Especially with it being adjustable for admins.
I feel like the clan chest could be used alot for real world trading, But on the upside you could catch whole real world trading clans doing this and bust a bunch of people at once
Hi, I love this idea!
Here's an easy way to get rid of scamming:
Unless you're a certain rank or have permission on the clan chest you have to deposit items of equalish value in order to take something out!
I seriously love the idea of collateral! Especially with it being adjustable for admins.
Great idea!
Not sure I like the idea of collateral, but not sure it'd be reason enough to oppose your idea so...
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.
Most of us who RWT don't do it through an obvious level three gold farmer and therefore don't get caught anyways.
Botting profits are now under control thanks to revs and Raids.
Looking forward to Group Ironman
I'm sure you are also looking forward to it too, espesically with the introduction of shared banks.
OSRS Clan:
Elysium CC
With a sort of lending system sort of like how RS3 has, if an item is lent out for a period of time it gets returned once the time is up..this could be an idea that could work with the clan chest thing. With the clan rework with osrs clans this would be a neat addition having the chest if its tech possible for jagex to do.
ORA High Council Member
LODJ RS3 Division
I like the concept as I am in a clan that is very co-operative and we like the share the wealth. Might be an idea to have limitation on what lower ranked and un-ranked members can take.
When I played Runescape 2 there was a loan interface that was quite cool for high valued items; maybe you could add items and have a certainty that they will be returned?
I support this wholeheartedly. I like the idea of withdrawal limits imposed by the leader(s), possibly based on total item value? I also like the idea of having a Clan Stronghold-style of POH, expansion of clans and the like goes a long way toward player investment in the game and I think it's something that could greatly help OSRS.
This post gave me a vision of a bigger concept of a player owned house,
but instead a Clan Castle, with self planted trees, and other gardening stuff
for clans to chill out at, wc together, fish together, construct a clan base together etc..