I don't understand why this is still an issue. It's been well over a year now. SOF and Solomons are ingrained in the game now. It's obvious that they won't be taken out just because a handful of people do not enjoy the additions.
To those crying RWT - they own the product. It isn't considered RWT if it's their product. That would be like saying paying membership is RWT. It can be thought of as an add-on to your current membership prices. It's not like anyones FORCING you to buy cosmetics. As for the 'pets' giving in-game advantages - the advantage is so slight that this shouldn't even matter.
As I said, no one is forcing you to buy cosmetics. They are also not forcing you to buy spins. Yes, they give in-game advantages such as EXP boosts, but 30k per normal pendant isn't a whole lot of bonus experience, considering that you can gain 300k Xp/Hr these days in any skill, given you have the proper levels and money. Spins are also extremely random. You're taking a huge chance when you spend IRL money for the chance at MAYBE getting the pendants and skill lamps that you need.
For some reason people expect change to come in a heartbeat. Change doesn't happen that way. The developers have been busy with EOC and RS3 for the longest time. They've also been busy with the new skills. Though I'll admit they haven't been doing the greatest of jobs, I think we should hold out a bit longer and wait for the bigger projects to be done before we assume that the games completely gone. Players begged for a harder bosses - they delivered with KK and Vorago, as well as buffs to Nex and a Hard Mode for GWD. Players begged for nerfs to war bands - they delivered, and also gave us other ways to train our skills. Lately we've seen a trend of them making more low-level content, and I feel like that's completely okay if they want to keep fresh people coming in. You can't expect them to cater to the high-levels forever.
Inb4calledasuckup. Sorry if this seemed scattered
15-Jul-2013 23:13:08