Making it a cosmetic override that says "replica" and not the actual item, as someone said earlier would be fine IMO. Doesn't take away value from the real items. And if players still have a problem with that then why not limit what past holiday items a player can buy to their accounts age? For example my account was made mid 2005, therefore I can only get past holiday items from mid 2005 and onward. Then not just anybody can get their precious holiday goodies.
I'd love to see this implemented as there's literally one holiday item I regret not getting, and that's because I was unable to play during that time. It's just a shame we probably won't ever see this happen.
It wouldn't work for items that cannot be overridden + if you must examine to see a slight difference in text, it's hardly a genuine difference, massive or elsewise. Could just as well give a damn and change something, e.g. update the graphical appearance for the outdated cosmetics, and give it as the new version (it'd give something new for old owners too).
And it's not about how many people can get something, it's about which people can get something: it doesn't matter if one billion people or one hundred people get the cosmetic, it matters if they earned the cosmetic. Seeing as untradeable discontinued holiday items are supposed to be rewards that show you completed the event, if you gave them to people who didn't, even if only to those who played the game at some point prior to the event, it devalues their meaning.
Besides, if you could just start claiming holiday items from since your account creation, then you could just sleep past every holiday event and claim the rewards afterwards for no work.