Was this staff supposed to be one or two handed??? And if Jagex intended it to be two handed, why did they release it into the game since its one hand?????? I'm really confused right now.
I bought another $25 gift card to get the lightning pack and for the second time I didn't receive the items. Here is everything I did to redeem the card.
I bought the red $25 gift card from another Gamestop (in case the problem had to do with the location I went to first).
I followed the instructions on the back of the card (Go to the title page and click on redeem card).
I choose the same option that I did last time (60 days membership + 32 spins).
When I logged into Runescape it said I had items awaiting delivery from the loyalty shop or website but my inventory was full.
I deposited all my items in the bank and logged out. When I logged back in the delivery message didn't show up, but I still haven't received the items. I checked the *ustomization for the professor haircut and I talked to Diango and Xaun to see if they had the staff, but still nothing.
The news post said to redeem the Game Card between 16th November and 2nd December. Were those dates not inclusive? Was the deadline 1st December 23:59pm? The gift card must have worked since it extended my membership, so I either missed the deadline somehow or there is a problem with the system.
Umm Jagex... Like 5 minuets ago, I redeemed a $25 red card (rune coins) I didn't get my Lightning Staff, or the hair style..... I even logged out, then back in. Could you please fix it, or something so I can get it?
so i turned in my red card and got nothing what is going on jagex needs to fix problems before they put new stuff on website like bots and stuff y do eoc give me my stuff
Was the promotion meant to end on the 1st of December? I ask because the advertisement is still up on the website and it states between November 16 and December 2nd, but I redeemed a card and did not get the promotional item.