
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

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Deacon Blues

Deacon Blues

Posts: 4,467 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-Page 83 Mod Daezhun:
"I notice a lot of cynicism and skepticism in the comments. Hopefully these will be allayed with the Q&A sessions and future news posts/content."

"Yes, yes you should notice a lot of cynicism and skepticism in these comments. Do you know why? Because you (jagex in general not you specifically) have repeatedly lied to us, broken your promises, and are now continuing to blatantly lie to us. You go so far as to openly contradict yourself within a single post and then deny it."

Ian Peregrin:
"Every time I log in as a member, I get a pop-up ad or two.
Every month I get a bill which includes the blatant lie that members get "no ads".
Oh, and the pop-up ad is for a shop where I can buy a random amount of xp, RS gold or usually cash-able item for real cash.
And mods keep lying that Jagex will never, ever sell RS gold or xp, right here in this thread.
Jagex is lying and breaking promises on a daily basis.
And you wonder why your players turn cynic?
Get real."

Both of these quotes sum up the situation perfectly.
I believe there is a rather fitting proverb: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Have a long, thoughtful look at how you have abused your players' trust recently and then think about why these players won't trust you now.
Once you go NXT, you never go back.

Ceterum censeo Saradominem esse delendam.

29-Aug-2012 23:41:11



Posts: 4,162 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The only things that I found interesting is the improved client and the Jagex Account Guardian, everything else is nothing more than a PR post.
To any J-mod: Is the Jagex Account Guardian going to be some sort of authenticator device?
owner of Masterbands wbs

29-Aug-2012 23:41:22

May Member 2007


Posts: 412 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
All of this is meaningless unless Jagex kills the bots and gold farmers, and they stay killed for a long time. Currently Jagex is allowing these people to utterly destroy the economy.
I'm glad to see the bot and gold farmer updates, but I won't believe Jagex and IVP really care about the game until I see those updates work and work for a long time.
Also, the move to HTML5 is very smart, as is tablet support.
Edit: Even if all these things work out well, I still think SoF and Solomon are backtracking on previous promises and represent nothing more than exploitation. Jagex, you are in danger of losing many, many real players over this (the kind of players who make the economy work as opposed to the scumbags who exploit it.)

29-Aug-2012 23:42:47 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 23:45:28 by Whiznatery



Posts: 880 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I love this post, I'm not a fan of Solomon or Yelps but, economically speaking I can see how Microtransactions will help the game, IF the added revenue is used right. By that I mean added content such as Quests, Dungeons, Skills, Bosses, Graphic Updates etc etc. It would really disappoint me, as a long term player, to have that extra money be used for even more Solomon or Squeal content. Hopefully, after the Bot Nuke, and everything starts to settle down (Jagex recovers the lost revenue from Bot accounts/Gold Farmers with Microtransactions) there will be less of a push/incentive to purchase these items.
I miss the days where I eagerly await the next week's update to try something new or explore a new or updated area, purchase or make new equipment or even better yet, set a goal to work towards using new content if I don't have the required levels at the time. Nowadays, It seems like Solomon and Yelps hold more importance in the Newsfeed than the week's major update, and quite frankly, that upsets me. I hate logging in to promo messages, because honestly, I read them on the news feed and I don't need a reminder, esp when I'm a member and asked to 'subscribe' to get the benefits. Helloooooooo I'm already here ;) In all honesty, its not the fact that Solomon and Yelps exist, its the fact that Jagex has been pushing it down the player's throats is what makes me want to stop playing.
This post has given me hope however. I like to know that Jagex really does care as much as most of the other players. I love how Microtransactions are FINALLY addressed instead of just thrown at us with no explanation whatsoever unless we dig around for it in the forums. I want to see the Loyalty Shop grow again too, give your loyal members benefits as well as people who pay 'one-off'. Instead of having a "be a member for this long and get this" how about have something like that through the loyalty shop?
Anyways I'm out of room, Keep up the Good Work Jagex

29-Aug-2012 23:44:50

Pwnt Nerd

Pwnt Nerd

Posts: 1,054 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If jagex loses all the money from bots we all know they will want to make it back from somewhere!
I kinda get the feeling jagex wants to take out the bots and gold farmers so they have no competition should they ever decide to sell gold.

29-Aug-2012 23:44:51

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Exactly... I'm willing to bet thats why the mods dont ever criticize SoF because thats IVP's biggest project. They already censor their companies name on the forums of a game they own, wouldn't surprise me at all if they censored the mods. If you look at it from that standpoint, MMG's idiotic post could actually be taken as somewhat of an apology for SoF which he knows we hate but he doesn't control Jagex anymore so he can't get rid of it if he wanted to rather than just the blatant mockery of the intelligence of the rs community which is what it seems like.

29-Aug-2012 23:47:31 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 23:51:21 by Cpkl2

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