-Page 83 Mod Daezhun:
"I notice a lot of cynicism and skepticism in the comments. Hopefully these will be allayed with the Q&A sessions and future news posts/content."
"Yes, yes you should notice a lot of cynicism and skepticism in these comments. Do you know why? Because you (jagex in general not you specifically) have repeatedly lied to us, broken your promises, and are now continuing to blatantly lie to us. You go so far as to openly contradict yourself within a single post and then deny it."
Ian Peregrin:
"Every time I log in as a member, I get a pop-up ad or two.
Every month I get a bill which includes the blatant lie that members get "no ads".
Oh, and the pop-up ad is for a shop where I can buy a random amount of xp, RS gold or usually cash-able item for real cash.
And mods keep lying that Jagex will never, ever sell RS gold or xp, right here in this thread.
Jagex is lying and breaking promises on a daily basis.
And you wonder why your players turn cynic?
Get real."
Both of these quotes sum up the situation perfectly.
I believe there is a rather fitting proverb: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Have a long, thoughtful look at how you have abused your players' trust recently and then think about why these players won't trust you now.
Once you go NXT, you never go back.
Ceterum censeo Saradominem esse delendam.
29-Aug-2012 23:41:11