In the last 2 years I have been very negative about jagex's direction... If you guys pull this off in my opinion it will redeem your integrity.. I love this game and wish nothing more for it than to play for many decades to come.
I put alot of thought in this, and the way I see squeal of fortune is not negative, it's a way to scam players who are stupid enough to buy RSGP with real life money and giving them barely anything for their money instead of billions, and in the process you get money off of those stupid people, that said untill rwt dies I support SOF, it's like lottery with a 200m prize.
I dislike rwt, sof and solomon's store. But at some point you need to ask yourself wich is worse, I'd say rwt. That is why I believe SoF is a good temporairy solution, however if the wheel stays there even after the rwt has stopped it will not be a good move on your part I believe.
Solomon on the other hand might not be your smartest move, why? Because now you are stuck with it forever, the reason is that players have paid for items, and removing them would be a scam. I can see only two ways to remove solomon's store. First you could give back the money to the credit card that was used to make the purchase. I suspect that this would cause too many problems. And so the second option would be to transform the money used in solomon's store for membership days. That would be better, and anyone not logging on rs would keep their solomon's membership days untill they log in where they could see a message telling them that they gained membership days.
The worse thing that could happen would be to keep small amounts of rwt to justify the squeal of fortune still being there. If that happens I'd quit rs in an instant over trust issues with the company I'm paying to get a product. That is my opinion, thanks in advance for the product constantly evolving, the only thing I truly want is reduction or complete removal of bots, if this happens I will not ask anything else.
29-Aug-2012 20:16:39