
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Goose RT-R
Jul Member 2022

Goose RT-R

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Jul 2012
29-Aug-2012 20:06:32
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@Diabetick But essentially based on luck you would reach the 200m mark or 99 mark in all skills before somebody else who played for the same length of time would training one skill at a time. Sure if they went for 200m the person training a single skill would remain higher in the hi-scores but the person using SOF unless the single skill was prayer would have more xp in total and a higher total level.
You say that like you think the SoF is a cheap commodity, which it isn't. IF that were the case, we would see MANY more people on the hiscores who had used the SoF to gain levels.

29-Aug-2012 20:11:03

Nov Member 2016


Posts: 259 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Your jedi mind-tricks won't work on me mod mmg.
You are selling in-game items for cash, undermining your game for short-term revenue.
If you dress a dog up like a sheep, its still a dog. Just proves how stupid the owner is.

29-Aug-2012 20:12:04



Posts: 3,910 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@enjoying sof- Wouldn't you be angry if you worked for six months on getting a skill cape and then seeing somebody with one after a week? It undermines the whole point of this game; you work HARD for benefits in this game, and then you are rewarded with a sense of achievement. This isn't wow, levels are their to be a challenge not a check box that must be completed before the "real" game starts.

29-Aug-2012 20:12:17



Posts: 151 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So instead of directly selling gp, or xp, you're just going to sell the opportunity to win those things on a wheel....Thus... Selling gold and xp.. ROFL.. Doesn't matter if I buy 50 spins and only get 1xp lamp and 100gp.. I've just BOUGHT those items..<.< I don't mind SOF when its a loyalty "more spins for buying membership" program... but allowing the purchase opportunity to gain more gold and xp on the wheel is wrong in my opinion..
As for Solomon's? Yeah sure.. purely cosmetic.. but uh.. What happened to the purely cosmetic Loyalty shoppe that was supposed to be getting regular updates for players that keep an extended membership?? I haven't seen anything but sales on that thing since SOF was introduced, or at the very least, offer runecoins as a treasure trail reward or something that requires activity within the game to get...
As for the gfx.. I do applaud the HTML 5 switch... Does look nice... :)

29-Aug-2012 20:13:24



Posts: 1,208 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like seeing these news posts, and I appreciate the time taken to write it. I like that there are some reveals on the behind the scenes work going on and that you realize not everyone is ok with what's been changing.
But there are still issues. We've been told that micro-transactions (or as you put it, micro-payments) would never be a part of Runescape, and they are now. I'm not saying that a company has to stick to a single long-term plan and can never change it, but you did a complete turnaround on a major selling point for the game. How can we know that you won't start selling xp/gp/accounts when 10-15x more revenue becomes 'necessary'? We're already seeing a move to larger prizes or rewards with the gp increase on SoF and the bank spaces on SGS.
You may be looking at our feedback, but just reading it isn't accomplishing anything. You take the comments on how to increase the effects of SoF and SGS and put them into the game (changing to gp, pendants, etc.) but you largely remain silent on the negative feedback. There are times when you almost seem to actively ostracize those that have concerns with these updates, including referring to the forums as the 'vocal minority' only. That may be a fair assessment, but that doesn't mean those opinions should be discounted.
As far as bots and gold sellers, I believe we were made to understand that getting rid of bots with the bot nuke would actually improve the finances of the game, but now you're using it as an excuse. We were also promised a reduced presence of bots, but the bot nuke turned out to be more of a short term fix and we're still waiting on the next step. I know it's an ongoing war, and won't be won overnight, but you're current track record is working against you.
In the end, I hope you really are trying to do what is best for this game, and I think you believe you are. I'm just one of many players that is concerned with where the game is going, and hopes I'm wrong.

29-Aug-2012 20:13:40



Posts: 83 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm just curious as to why Jagex would commit "gaming suicide" with this EOC update. The reason people have played runescape and not games like WoW is because it's different, but this EOC seems to just be making it more alike other games. I've played for a long time and I can tell you one thing, this is going to be exactly like when you removed the wild and free trade, but I believe the consequences will be much worse this time around.

29-Aug-2012 20:14:25

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 22,193 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Wouldn't you be angry if you worked for six months on getting a skill cape and then seeing somebody with one after a week?"
If one decided to choose that road, let him. They are basically paying our updates, right?

29-Aug-2012 20:14:56

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