
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

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Dec Member 2023


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"a significant upgrade to the accounts' security, to protect against phishing and hijacking This is called Jagex Account Guardian"

I'm looking forward to this update as phishing and hijacking are very common nowadays. Hopefully this will work and the mods wouldn't have to be so busy anymore.
Shoutout to all of the Jmods in AH :D

29-Aug-2012 20:08:32

Ian Peregrin

Ian Peregrin

Posts: 739 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And nothing is more telling about the real state of affairs than the amount of censoring in this thread.
If the Squeal of Fortune enjoys such an overwhelming player support, as Jagex officials continue to claim, why are there so many anti-SOF statements to censor away?
And might the admittedly questionable quality of some of them have anything to do with Jagex deliberately ignoring all constructive feedback since months?
Jagex "integrity" at work.

29-Aug-2012 20:08:43



Posts: 13,679 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Mod Sushi_Pi
~-~"So my question to you: Is the loyalty shop dead content since solomon overshadow that because it makes money? I havent seen a loyalty shop update in months whats up with that?" --Ms Glamazon
Hey Ms G,
The bank space update that went live yesterday will be purchasable via the loyalty shop very soon.
-Mod Sushi_Pi
Community Management ~-~
That reply is ignoring the point that all focus for new cosmetic content is going on solomons because it makes money.
Maybe loyalty points should be changed into runecoins to merge loyalty and solomons a bit... I'm sure everyone would be happier with it that way, and it would also allow people to buy runecoins to get loyalty content without waiting months which people have asked for.

29-Aug-2012 20:09:16

Aug Member 2005


Posts: 61 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You keep saying your anti bot...what a load of tosh try hunting or fighting grotworms or mining rune essence in varrock all impossible because of the volume of bots. If you were serious all you need do is send a jmod to the grotworms or hunting areas and you could rid the game of these cheats spoiling our game. Call me cynical but i doubt you will, as the revenue it brings in for you is very welcome im sure. Or alternatively get rid of free trade again and as before the bots will disappear , but again i wont hold my breath as although it will rid the game of the bots overnight it will also impact your revenue adversley. Having played the game for almost 8 years i would have more respect for you if you just came clean and admitted you wont clear out the bots for financial reasons, at least then you would be being honest. Feel free to come along with me on any world to the grotworms and see how you have allowed the game to become farsical in certain areas. Also having worked hard to attain most of my 99's the hard way what a shame your now devaluing the game with squeel of fortune and solomons store by allowing xp to be bought not earned in those updates you have taken away any true feeling of self achievment the game provided.

29-Aug-2012 20:10:39 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 20:17:43 by mrgrumblebum

Jan Member 2006


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The sad thing is that the SoF essentially sells exp and gp, just in a roundabout manner.
If what has been said is actually true, then I can deal with allowing SoF and Solomon to stay (I literally just swallowed my pride and morals). Hoever, if as a company Jagex wants to help ease its players' minds, it will LET UP ON THE SOF AND SOLOMON UPDATES. Every single week we've been getting an update to one or the other. The worst part is when new items are added to the SoF, and only a limited time is given to get them at an increased chance, which essentially REQUIRES buying spins.
Even with this announcement Sizzling Summer had its own newspost. It seems a bit hypocritical to make this post while at the same time advertising a marketing scheme.
So please, for God's sake, and the sake of the game, and the sake of the players, STOP UPDATING SOF AND SOLOMON, at least as much as they have been. No part of the game in its history has received as many updates, especially in such quick succession, as thse two pieces of "content."
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.

29-Aug-2012 20:10:57

s 14

s 14

Posts: 2,076 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I just wish jagex would take away free trade... yes i admit, i voted it back in when the poll came.. but that was the biggest mistake i had made.. now this game doesn't feel like any form of achievement... people seem to scam, bot and hack their way to achievements.... please jagex take away free trade... make this game good again... i understand you need to make future funds for the game through squeal and solomon... i understand that.. just take away free trade ... make accomplishments worth something again"
You know, I'm not going to say I told you so, because I didn't tell you specifically. But when free trade was removed, (I do not exaggerate...) I was one of the few who were riddled with happiness.
I was on the forums for a week straight telling people all the advantages it has over the free system. 99.99999% reduction in bots in a week. Money Making in rs was the best then it ever was. The people were more willing to act sincere and give even if it was a little bit. People were more willing to trust people for small amounts while rendering services.
The systems was constantly improving and right when it seemed like the trade limits would finally be solved, the ignorant complaints of players cause jagex to remove the only foolproof reduction in gold farming it has ever implemented.
And now we have the same players that complained over and over again during the "silver days" are complaining again.

Thank you MMG for at least attempting to face the wall of player scrutiny over these SoF updates. You know as well as I do that you will never placate them merely because they love this game so much they are unwilling to see it change (for better or worse). And since you know there is nothing you can do to stop their angst, I praise you not for your decisions but having the balls to face the players.

29-Aug-2012 20:11:00

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