
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Dec Member 2022


Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi there i am quite exited for the the next bot reduction and i believe that the game will end up a far better place to relax and take your mind off of things. Keep up the awesome work and great updates. I can't wait to see them.

30-Aug-2012 05:20:01

Apr Member 2017


Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm sorry, but what is the purpose of this post?
It sounds like you're standing up for micro-transactions while saying you don't deserve the criticism because you take a financial hit by banning gold-farmers.
Take the lesson that Electronic Arts can teach; companies that sacrifice good principles for money leads to very successful boycotts (Mass Effect 3). Don't allow that to happen to Runescape, please.

30-Aug-2012 05:25:03



Posts: 648 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You say you'll never sell gold or XP, yet the Squeal of Fortune sells both. You say you'll never sell in-game advantages for real-world money, yet now both the Squeal AND Solomon's sell them, with no opportunity to earn them in-game, with the latter! You PROMISE that you'll never sell XP or gold directly for cash, yet a year ago, you PROMISED you would never sell any in-game ANYTHING for cash, with the SOLE exception of a FIVE DOLLAR membership fee. Clearly, promises have been broken before, so without action taken to restore our trust, I have no reason to trust you now.
How do you earn back my trust, and the trust of millions of others? REMOVE the ability to buy spins, relocate the bank-boosters to the SOF (I understand that, with others having bought them already, they cannot now be removed), and NEVER sell in-game advantages for real money again. If you really need extra income to fund future development, sell all the cosmetic gear you can dream up! Hell, I'd WELCOME a bit of variety, and might even buy a few myself! But I cannot, in good conscience, continue to blithely approve of your devaluing in-game achievements and creating a virtual oligarchy.

30-Aug-2012 05:25:44



Posts: 376 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I never thought I would feel this way about runescape...First don't misunderstand me I do "love" playing it. So much so that I still have trouble logging in and get "black screens or half loaded pages of that circle trying to upload. I have done everything that rs suggests..Even uploaded the client and it now has trouble loading and may take up to 10 times to log in and play. But I love rs and persiveer. (sp) sorry. ... But I'm mostly worried if RS whos has tried many times to stop the gold spamming which is so arrogent (sp might be wrong) at the GE especially on world 6 and the many bots at the Nat alter , yews trees near seers and cathersby, mining in fally and many other places. I know rs trys to get rid of them but they come right back even more then normal. ...Ya cant even visit GE without being slammed with gamblers and gold spammers. .. I want to print a quote. " We have literally doubled the size of the RuneScape team. And are making massive investments in the Technology & support." ....Ok ya got extra help..How come there isnt a Mod to shut thost folks up at the Ge. Or to report the bots at the yew trees . I report and report to no avail .... Plz jagex really do work on the I didnt mind "buying" extra room for bank space. But how about U guys getting rid of the cheaters . hope this goes...

30-Aug-2012 05:26:46

Aja Wyndward

Aja Wyndward

Forum Moderator Posts: 17,274 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Break Yelps, enjoy your forum vacation for flaming. It's not even acceptable to flame IVP or Jagex, especially when you make up things with which to do so.
I'd suggest you not continue in this type of behaviour lest it lead to a permanent forum ban.
Can't a
have some privacy??

30-Aug-2012 05:27:12

Sep Member 2023


Posts: 657 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Their "word" last time i checked they changed there rules just so that SoF could enter the game. "
Absolutely Correct. Alot of these new updates, especially the graphical ones, look really cool. But as long as SoF and Solomon's are in game, I wont be. I've said several times now that I'd rather just pay a higher member fee.

30-Aug-2012 05:27:30

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