You say you'll never sell gold or XP, yet the Squeal of Fortune sells both. You say you'll never sell in-game advantages for real-world money, yet now both the Squeal AND Solomon's sell them, with no opportunity to earn them in-game, with the latter! You PROMISE that you'll never sell XP or gold directly for cash, yet a year ago, you PROMISED you would never sell any in-game ANYTHING for cash, with the SOLE exception of a FIVE DOLLAR membership fee. Clearly, promises have been broken before, so without action taken to restore our trust, I have no reason to trust you now.
How do you earn back my trust, and the trust of millions of others? REMOVE the ability to buy spins, relocate the bank-boosters to the SOF (I understand that, with others having bought them already, they cannot now be removed), and NEVER sell in-game advantages for real money again. If you really need extra income to fund future development, sell all the cosmetic gear you can dream up! Hell, I'd WELCOME a bit of variety, and might even buy a few myself! But I cannot, in good conscience, continue to blithely approve of your devaluing in-game achievements and creating a virtual oligarchy.
30-Aug-2012 05:25:44