i have been playing this game off and on for the better part of a decade and would just like to say that i've never really posted anything on the rs forums, with that being said i feel the need to reply to this front page post because it's about the game i've loved to play for a long time now.
when i first read this i was angry because i felt it was saying that the sof and solomon's general store are here to stay get use to it. the part about how selling gp, exp, and accounts could have made a lot more money had it been done was ,to me, like saying jagex has done nothing wrong in what they have been doing for the past half a year or so. when in fact although the direct sale of these things is not done, the sof is still a form of selling gp,exp, and other various items that may help the player in a way to disadvantage another, though the odds are small.
how ever after reading it threw a few times i do agree that rs needs money to better it's variety and make the game more enjoyable to those that are older and hoping for some good content or newer and want to have an enjoyable high content game to play. how your going about doing it is what bothers me. now i'm not saying the sof or solomon's store are a bad thing, matter of fact i love solomon's store because it's cosmetic only and the free spins i get daily on the sof make me more then happy. i also understand that with out the money you'd get from bot companies paying for mems you have to make it else were, since the majority of players hate bots pushing the bot nuke like last time. as well investors wanting their money and what not.
so i'd like to end by just saying this, i will miss the days when rs felt more like a family and not a business. i will most likely quit when eoc becomes the actual game because it's not the reason i came to like rs to begin with, not that it wont be a good thing.
30-Aug-2012 17:11:42