Just say No to gambling. Gambling is for adults only & this S.O.F game is gambling. Saying it is not gambling is a lie. Players are spending real world money for a in-game reward. Sure its not a real world reward but it is a item of value none the less Value to game play. that is. The worst part is now our children play the S.O.F & by that you Jagex are teaching our children that it is OK for them to gamble.
I do not know how you can legally get away with allowing the S.O.F to be used by anyone under the legal age of there country's origin. I can say this though If I was English, being Canadian, it is very difficult for me to walk in to a British police station and say I want to press charges against Jagex for operating a illegal gambling den and for the corruption of minors.
If it was possible to do so financially and to do it in a feasible manner I would take you to court & challenge under the law on Jagex's legal right to allow minors to operate the S.O.F.... Do, know this Jagex I am completely serious. I would take you to court and challenge you on your legal right to operate the Squeal of fortune.
I would also launch a class action law suit against your company for contributing to the corruption of my children's morals as it is no one in my friends house under the age of 19 is allowed to play Runescape. That has been a rule there since you created it. & it will also be a rule in my house.
Get rid of the Squeal of fortune
If Jagex actually listened to it's players they would of removed the Squeal of fortune long ago. 20,000+ negative votes about it silenced. The thread was deleted because it went against their profit margin. The almighty dollar rules and the voices of thousands of players means crap!
31-Aug-2012 02:55:02