
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 1,294 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The best thing we can all do is what I am going to do right now.....
Cancel our memberships and walk away from the game.
If all they care about is money then hit them where it hurts..... hurt them with money.
They proved its all about the money I already stopped playing the game much because of all this crap. I do not need the stress of it.
This game and company is no longer worth my money and time.
If you really are disgusted about the updates cancel your memberships Like I am doing.
The company needs to know we really mean what we say. The only way they will listen is with cash loss from our revenue of memberships.
This game is no longer worth my time at all. I have spent a lot of time and money for membership and now its all for nothing because we as the gamers do not matter to them at all.
So since we do not matter I can quit and every one else can quit and they should be just fine if thousands of people up and quit and cancel their memberships.
If your really are disgusted cancel.
If your not willing to you are enabling them to keep this RWT going with the cash your giving them.
Every penny they get from us enables them to keep the RWT.
money talks and nothing else matters to them at all.

31-Aug-2012 02:37:27

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 4,593 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The best thing we can all do is what I am going to do right now.....
Cancel our memberships and walk away from the game. (SaphiraJFire 190).
I took that advice a whileeeeeeeeeeeeee back. Thank god.
Lets Go Blues!

31-Aug-2012 02:51:25 - Last edited on 31-Aug-2012 02:52:18 by Tarasenko



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I already stopped paying for 5 months lol. I came back for a month and I am muted in game for NO reason, so I won't be giving them any more money. When my membership runs out I will leave this game to rot.
It's sad that SoF is more important to them than Runescape, but we tried to help and they didn't want to know so whatever. Some people just refuse to quit or pay more membership and I can't blame them, but I won't support this game and how this company treat its players.

31-Aug-2012 02:52:48

Devans Blade

Devans Blade

Posts: 1,383 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just say No to gambling. Gambling is for adults only & this S.O.F game is gambling. Saying it is not gambling is a lie. Players are spending real world money for a in-game reward. Sure its not a real world reward but it is a item of value none the less Value to game play. that is. The worst part is now our children play the S.O.F & by that you Jagex are teaching our children that it is OK for them to gamble.
I do not know how you can legally get away with allowing the S.O.F to be used by anyone under the legal age of there country's origin. I can say this though If I was English, being Canadian, it is very difficult for me to walk in to a British police station and say I want to press charges against Jagex for operating a illegal gambling den and for the corruption of minors.
If it was possible to do so financially and to do it in a feasible manner I would take you to court & challenge under the law on Jagex's legal right to allow minors to operate the S.O.F.... Do, know this Jagex I am completely serious. I would take you to court and challenge you on your legal right to operate the Squeal of fortune.
I would also launch a class action law suit against your company for contributing to the corruption of my children's morals as it is no one in my friends house under the age of 19 is allowed to play Runescape. That has been a rule there since you created it. & it will also be a rule in my house.
Get rid of the Squeal of fortune
If Jagex actually listened to it's players they would of removed the Squeal of fortune long ago. 20,000+ negative votes about it silenced. The thread was deleted because it went against their profit margin. The almighty dollar rules and the voices of thousands of players means crap!

31-Aug-2012 02:55:02

Devans Blade

Devans Blade

Posts: 1,383 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm not surprised at all by the lack of a single J-Mod response at this point none dare post a comment in this thread lest a IVP Moderator Sees the negative comment from a Pmod Or Jmod which would quickly cost said P/F & or J mod's his position
I am also not surprised in the slightest that Jagex Moderators have not directly answered our questions why the censorship?
think of the shame and the red faces that they all probably have at this time. Because they know that the morals of the company have been sold out. This was done against them & everything that they once stood for, now means naught!
That they have to keep shoveling this crap on us day in & day out is so they can keep there jobs. With the way the world economy is let alone the European economy it does not surprise me in the slightest that Jagex Mods continue to remain stone faced & silent on this issue
Besides we all know most of them have no choice but to follow the orders handed down from on high. It's either follow the laws of those that employee them or face the firing squad. I know what choice I'd make. My honour is worth more to me than any job. I'd tell them to shove it! with pride. Then go collect the Dole while seeking new employment at the competition (Think mech wars)
Just think what would happen should just one Jagex Employee speak out against the decree's from the powers that be. That person will quickly find his or herself out on the streets collecting his or her next paycheck off the dole & seeking new employment with no references
I am surprised the Jagex mods have not yet locked this thread or deleted it. Like they did with a few rant threads that where created on day one of the SOF release. Jagex is now great at seeing only one thing since they went to new management & became a stock controlled by a certain company famous for nickle & dime-ing other sites to death.
What they did on those others games is now being done here. How long before the bells toll the final hour of Runescap

31-Aug-2012 02:58:33 - Last edited on 31-Aug-2012 02:59:56 by Devans Blade

Devans Blade

Devans Blade

Posts: 1,383 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have had a lot to say about Jagex & IVP's take over. I have had a lot to say about the SOF & General Sodommys store... Some good most of it bad.. I have been Temp banned and seen more of my posts censored out by them being hidden than I can count.. and not one single J Mod has replied to the questions we raise instead of answering most of our concerns when we bring them up they ignore them..
then when we raise other concerns about the games management and the direction of the way things are going posts get censored and threads get locked. Worse yet the players who are posting about this touchy subject are getting in game mutes and temporary forum bans
There is no freedom of speech on the forum/ here it is either IVP"S way or the highway..
How long will it be this time before I get my next Forum Ban and in-game mute ? Just search Google with my name and Runescape forums to find many of my posts some good some bad many filled with rage.. Some of my posts are censored here but they can still be found in Google's Cache and on a few peoples facebook pages those that copied and saved them before they were hidden that is..
I wonder why they hide so many of my posts... maybe its my rage and bad language

31-Aug-2012 03:09:03



Posts: 673 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mods are busy hiding threads and putting all the efforts into more content for .. RWT.
But :O
If you take a look at Yelps on the front page, then at Gerhard's picture, you will see how much they do look alike: same greedy eyes, same greasiness feeling, same grabbing attitude.

31-Aug-2012 03:11:26 - Last edited on 31-Aug-2012 04:56:41 by [#U95Y2R02Z]



Posts: 844 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We were told it would not happen. We were told Jagex would never sell ingame advantage. I see Jagex doing it and after falsely taking my acct? I just cant see a reason to renew membership.
At this point Jagex believability is questionable to say the least. So again!
Keep it fair for every player, Jagex! What can be bought through rwt should ALL be available in game to every player without need of rwt. Real world money for pixel pluses is fine as long as the pixel plus is fair and available to ALL!
SoF sells advantage for cash and those without lots of money can get nothing from Solomin's general store! Buying 99s in skills is possible and HAS BEEN DONE! Someone riding a winged horse because their credit card works to please you? This trashes the integrity of the game. Membership should cover every in game item!

31-Aug-2012 03:23:53

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