
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

T o r v a
Oct Member 2009

T o r v a

Posts: 7,254 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Really MMG.
Are you really trying to maintain the position that SOF is an asset to the game while directly selling gp/xp/items would be detrimental?
If you would be making 10 to 15 times more directly selling advantages DO IT. Both directly selling and almost directly selling (sof) are going to have the same detrimental impact on the game.
*I do not advocate RWT advantages but if you're going to do them one way or another do it the way that generates 10 to 15 times more money for real game content.

29-Aug-2012 23:33:49

Simply B

Simply B

Posts: 126 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You're basically saying that it's okay to sell gold, as long as it's not a lot. You haven't even touched on the massive exp gains from SoF. Didn't jagex just say that they DON'T sell gold or exp? Explain how that isn't hypocritical.

29-Aug-2012 23:33:55



Posts: 1,229 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
9th Post Page 94
Kudos to Wobbie B0Bz <3
That combined with removal of Sof, and Bots = faith restored in Jagex.
I do not think this EOC should be enforced on the masses of player than simply do not want it.
Not to sound ungrateful. <3

29-Aug-2012 23:33:57



Posts: 271 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lol at the 12 year olds who think any of this will happen. Rs are probably spending money on getting people to write these speeches for them too. Yet they still don't address why it has been 6 months since this game had a good piece of content update. They say they realize that people HATE the sof, but still won't remove it. Tbh the only reason we have microtransactions is because jagex are greedy and they want to milk the game as much as possible. The game was fine without microtransactions for 10 years, so why do they need all this money for updates all of a sudden? Updates which we obviously haven't seen. Also, sof DOES directly sell xp and gp you idiots. ANy reward you get can be traded for gp, and the exp lamps are common, so how can you really sit there and say you don't sell gp and exp? Lol jagex logic I guess...

29-Aug-2012 23:34:45

Weasels Own

Weasels Own

Posts: 161 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Happy to see our membership is in the right hands, this is exactly why I continually subscribe to this game.
The purpose of business is to make money, yet here is jagex blasting off thousands and thousands of bots (many being members and paying just as much as we are). This act alone shows that they do care about their players, despite what the haters claim. As said in the update there is a many things they could do just to reap profit, but they chose to keep their regular players happy.
Good work :)

29-Aug-2012 23:36:10

Mr Fallback

Mr Fallback

Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
These are two updates that many people are not to fond of but all of us know what everyone is talking about now, the EOC. The Evolution of Combat is something over 85% of the runescape community doesnt want to be released. As players we can say we have all tried out the combat beta and can tell that Jagex has put a lot of work into this and im not saying they shouldnt release this. Jagex, all we ask as a runescape community is that you make a separate server for us who enjoy playing the current runescape. We all want to see the game progress and be introduced new things for players to enjoy, but as for the combat beta i can say many of do not enjoy it. I know you have recived many posts on this topic but i think every opinion counts to make it so players that have been playing runescape still enjoy the game they started 7 years ago.
Kindest Regards,

29-Aug-2012 23:36:51



Posts: 82 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Since RuneScape has been around for over 11 years, we naturally take extreme care when introducing significant changes to its gameplay.
You take care?????
If you care remove SoF and SGS from game,stop Evolution of combat and go to do something.People are quitting every day becouse those FAIL UPDATES!!!!
Extend elven lands (Cristal castle) make some high level content for palyers what are playing this game for a long time get some new quests becouse iam not payng for watching a new SoF **** and new SGS items every week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is prob my last post bcouz they gonna ban me for telling the truth.
See you guys in next life
Putin is love,Putin is life!

29-Aug-2012 23:40:14



Posts: 1,480 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Anybody else notice a pattern?
Step 1: Jagex releases horrible, terribly despised update. (past 6 months have been microtransactions).
Step 2: Let players get riled up. A couple will quit.
Step 3: Right at the ******(who'd have thought cl1max is censored...), rush in and reassure everybody that everything is okay, that things are great, that there's great-new-content-we-can't-tell-you-about-that-rhymes-with-clan-citadels
Step 4: 70% of the people fall for it/have their confidence in jagex restored (they never stabbed you in the back, or went months at a time with no content!), 25% see right through it, and 5% say something like "see, I knew what I was talking about! If money equals spins, and spins equal xp lamps/money, then money != xp lamps/money."
OH wait. That's called the TRANSITIVE PROPERTY.
If a = b, and b = c, then a = c.
I did my algebra II. Did you?
Congratulations mod MMG, you've managed to finally acknowledge that 90% of the community loving it.. means it is strongly disliked!
Bot Nuke: Been there, done that, broke the game whilst giving bots a one-month paid vacation.
HTML5: In those side-by-side screenies, if I had to choose which of them looked how runescape should look, I would choose NEITHER! The best graphics era was shortly before the new barrows armour and this year's "graphical updates" were added. If you can make it look like that in HTML5 with better frame rate, then do so.
And more new content on the way... like... sizzling september? What great content... and the evolution of uniqueness to be... well... not unique. You also told us clan citadels were great new content...
I'll leave with this: what game-changing, enjoyable, healthy content have you added to the game since you added buyable spins? Surely with twice the team you could at least do that?

29-Aug-2012 23:40:21 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 23:41:07 by Reepca

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