
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 10,564 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How 'bout we kill the Sof team ;) No, im joking. But seriously, try to improve the way the Sof and SGS are used, and only those that want those ad's and promotions should recieve 'em. Buying SoF spins is kind of a way to buy EXP

31-Aug-2012 03:30:11



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It is Jagex decision not to observe freedom of speech, and rules are for players, so I reserve the right to do as I please, because I give up my player rights for the long term health of the game. Most of Jagex rules are stupid.

31-Aug-2012 03:33:04



Posts: 1,208 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There are currently 4 different banners on the game's main page right now. Of them, one is for the 'big chinchompa' d&d; the other 3 are all for SoF or SGS. There's one actual game update, hidden behind 3 micro-payment promotions. How is this considering the future of the game? How is this going to attract in new players to ensure the future of the game? How is this keeping with the integrity of Runescape?
I want to believe you want what is best for this game, but words mean little when your actions are screaming the opposite.

31-Aug-2012 03:41:01

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 248 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Gloooo Flumo(if that is your real name o.O)
I didn't say anyone that doesn't like it can't afford it. I said many of the people that complain they don't like it can't. There is quite a difference. Also, I am by far not a child and understand how the world works. You are complaining Jagex is money grubbing. Do you live on Earth? There are no companies doing all this work for ***** and giggles. Of course they are trying to maximize their capitol. I have played this game since Varrock was the only city in existence. The game has changed over, and over, and over, and over again. You just have to accept the change and continue loving it. I loved it then, and with all the new changes, I still love it.
On a side note everyone realizes money is paper representation of rocks that were dug out of the dirt right? If you think about it everyone is ******** everyone else over in the world because they want more rocks... Money ='s really more like a scoreboard to keep up with how people perform at life. Even though you believe I am a child for my statements, I am old enough to realize this is a game and there are much more important issues to turn my complaints to than a game.
So many people are so butt hurt because someone might spend $30,000 on spins and get levels easier than they do. Well, rather than be mad about it. Feel sorry that this person has nothing better to do than spend their savings on this game, get over it, and the continue playing it and enjoying it. Why do other people's stats affect YOUR gameplay? Welcome to the world, someone is always better than you and it doesn't matter how they achieved it.
The real child in this debate needs to grow up and learn to deal with it and not let other people's status stop you from enjoying life. Otherwise you are going to have a seemingly long and stressful life and die a comatose patient in a nursing home from the strokes you give yourself worrying about everyone else instead of enjoying your playtime.

31-Aug-2012 03:41:44

Dirty Visage
Apr Member 2023

Dirty Visage

Posts: 2,684 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"We've had lot of feedback on two recent RuneScape updates in particular: Squeal of Fortune and Solomon's General Store. I’d like to update you on how we plan to help fund the future development of the game you all know and love; how we’re making sure that we do not undermine what makes it the adventure game that millions of us, worldwide, enjoy on a daily basis; and what we’re doing to improve on what we’ve launched so far."
Know i have a pretty sucessful thread up called "Moneyscape" (under rants).. I created that back in Jan or how greedy RS was becoming with introduction of SoF (which came out sometime in Nov) Since Day one of its release People asked "why"?
Why is SoF here? WE dont like it. Jagex give us answers... For almost a year we get no answers an instead get another money grubbing schemes called "Solomons general store" This just further everyones thinking (well most people) that Jagex has turned into a money grubbing company who could care less about players feedback.
So now after almost a year since SoF, MMG finally release a well thought out letter on Micro-Payments... My question is, where were you before? Where were you when everyone was raging about this type of topic? Can you admit your just a puppet in the grand scheme of things?
Id personally rather not hear from you, but the people who really own Jagex.. Id like to hear from someone at IVP... But we all know they play the background an just watching cash flow comes in...
We've all heard an some of us seen firsthand what IVP has done to "Maplestory" It completely destoryed the games economy an threw the game way down in support an people stopped playing it...
This is whats going on in RS. 2nd bot nuke was touted shortly after the first one failed badly.. Been almost a year an nothing.. As much as you say, gold farmers an bots still control more than half of the game..
You talk about responding to player feedback, yet takes you almost a year to respond? Thats not what players want..

31-Aug-2012 03:43:45

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 248 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Maple Story went downhill because you can only play it so long before you want to shoot yourself in the head. It's a great game, but eventually you get bored of it. Runescape has a LOT of content. Much much much more than Maple Story ever did. Maple Story is an older game, that doesn't receive good content often enough to remain mainstream. This is why it went downhill. People outgrew it. Jagex is funding people to constantly keep this game fresh and avoid this situation.
People ***** about bots, they get rid of bots and make the funding up elsewhere. People then complain about that instead. Jagex will never win in the eyes of critics. Every single update they have ever released has been met with harsh criticism. When members fence next to taverly showed up everyone was screaming. When RS2 beta was going on everyone said Runescape was going downhill. Here we are years later and the game makes more money than ever. Hundreds of updates later, all while getting nothing but complaints.
The problem is...with all the complaints seen on the forums, they have statistical data showing a profit from these new options. The most voiced people are the ones that complain. Don't think that just because you only see complaints that this is the opinion of "WE" "ALL" "EVERYONE" "MAJORITY". If the majority of players truly hated it and didn't use it, it would be removed, but this is obviously not the case. I don't mind the updates and it's a little annoying when people say things like "WE" think this sucks, because "I" don't and the truth is...YOU and most likely only a MINORITY of people believe so. You only perceive "everyone" because only the complainers are posting.
**EDIT** Thought I'd add. Even if you see a 500 page post. Let's pretend it's all different users on every post. Still only 5k people out of, allegedly, over a million == Minority.

31-Aug-2012 04:09:40 - Last edited on 31-Aug-2012 04:14:29 by Liroku



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Do not compare SoF to other updates though. It is just not even close.
Edit - Come in game with me and prove me who is right and who is wrong. Don't talk about the majority liking sof. Not even close.
In fact, show me one spot in game you are not outnumbered 20-1 by bots for a start.
Do not use bot accounts to strengthen your argument, it isn't helpful.
There could be like 500 players left in rs for all we know lol.
Most people do not use rs forums because they realise the staff are corrupt and not worth talking to.

31-Aug-2012 04:14:44 - Last edited on 31-Aug-2012 04:17:53 by [#F86JGG3L7]

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