As I Wish ..
Your thinking is somewhat justified but alittle misguided.
The whole idea of buying your way to success is the real focal point here.To say that jaGex is making money to produce content/pay staff may or may not be true, ( I believe it is) however,before ivp and sof/sgs came into play,runescape was doing just fine.
I can understand that sudden game changes are hard to adapt too,but to out of the blue change a membership game into a "give us your money we will give you a shiny new item" that nobody else has just doesnt seem fair.
To change the terms of agreement was another issue that players had no warning or knowledge of.Once the word got out,players went to re read it with total distaste.
Granted ,it had to be changed to justify means of introducing micro transactions into the game. To sit by and see players achieve high level status(by any means) because of their wallet is not what I would call fair game play.
This game has always had the reputation that is (was) always on an even playing field.
Those that worked on their skills/quests and what not ,have them tainted because someone has more money than me.
Simply put.. Two players make an account on the same day and head to the dueling arena,one has full prayer and a godsword,I have a bronze pic axe.
01-Sep-2012 18:01:44
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01-Sep-2012 18:04:27