
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 146 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If i can buy spins and win items which then can be turned into gold that is buying a chance to win gold which will happen 99% of the time because most of those items can be turned into gold. So jagex is now no better than the damn gold farmers who sell gold to people.

01-Sep-2012 17:21:53 - Last edited on 01-Sep-2012 17:22:41 by Ofspray



Posts: 1,671 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As I Wish ..
Your thinking is somewhat justified but alittle misguided.
The whole idea of buying your way to success is the real focal point here.To say that jaGex is making money to produce content/pay staff may or may not be true, ( I believe it is) however,before ivp and sof/sgs came into play,runescape was doing just fine.
I can understand that sudden game changes are hard to adapt too,but to out of the blue change a membership game into a "give us your money we will give you a shiny new item" that nobody else has just doesnt seem fair.
To change the terms of agreement was another issue that players had no warning or knowledge of.Once the word got out,players went to re read it with total distaste.
Granted ,it had to be changed to justify means of introducing micro transactions into the game. To sit by and see players achieve high level status(by any means) because of their wallet is not what I would call fair game play.
This game has always had the reputation that is (was) always on an even playing field.
Those that worked on their skills/quests and what not ,have them tainted because someone has more money than me.
Simply put.. Two players make an account on the same day and head to the dueling arena,one has full prayer and a godsword,I have a bronze pic axe.

01-Sep-2012 18:01:44 - Last edited on 01-Sep-2012 18:04:27 by Steely6

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ As I Wish
Clearly you misread what i said if you think i was saying programmers make 800,000 a year. My point was specifically that they DON'T. Jagex makes anywhere from about 15-40 million pounds profit per year and they say they are using most of that money to fund development and such. My point was that they don't need more money to fund hiring more programmers because just to use up that much money you would be paying people 800,000 a year which they DON'T do. I quote, "I guarantee you that no programmer at jagex is making 800,000 a year." Might want to make sure you actually read it before you try to say I'm wrong.
As for Maplestory, have you actually played it? Not sure if you realize this but there are bots and gold farmers in Maplestory as well. A large percentage of those "millions of players" are bots, just like a vast percentage of RS "players" are bots. And it has most certainly gone downhill since IVP took it over. Sure, games like that will never completely die because there will always be a new generation who doesn't know what it was like before IVP ruined it. The point is that for all of the veteran players it will be dead and ruined.
And yes, i was comparing it to 2005 or 2006 because i was trying to make the point that they were able to produce more content back then with fewer people and less technology then they are now with a doubled development team. *Cough doubled SoF development team *cough*
I'll leave it at that because frankly, arguing with someone who either works for Jagex or just has a 9 years olds naivety isn't worth my time. Especially not if you don't even read the responses or understand them. If you honestly believe a word Jagex(IVP) says after all the promises they've broken and all of the rules they've had to change just so they could implement a money making strategy then i truly feel sorry for you. I'd also suggest you go read some of the extremely detailed and well written posts on this thread.

01-Sep-2012 18:19:57 - Last edited on 01-Sep-2012 18:21:09 by Cpkl2



Posts: 4,910 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Jagex makes anywhere from about 15-40 million pounds profit per year and they say they are using most of that money to fund development and such"
Can I just point out that the profit is the money the company makes after all payments, so none of the profit has gone back into the company.
Potentially the profit could be used the following financial year, but that would mean jagex would make 15-40m less profit that year. So in effect if they made the same amount this year, they would break even. Even if we said jagex increased profit by 50%, but used the profit from last year to fund development thier profit this year would only be 7.5-20m and 50% is a huge increase for any company.
Anyone actually think this will be the case and this is before we factor in how much the development of transformers is costing, without returning any revenue yet.
They can tell us what ever they like, if they show a profit this year they are milking rs purely for short term profit. If they show a large profit, they are milking rs, putting the money in transformers and not putting anything like what they are claiming back into rs.

01-Sep-2012 22:15:03



Posts: 2,956 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have to agree with what some people said at the start of this thread in that you haven't really answerd any questions here.
You've added the micro-transactions to make up for the money you lost from gold farmers/botters? In which case now you've made your money back you can remove all this RWT content.
Atleast you can see the majority of people don't like these updates and have decided to post a responce but it took long enough.

02-Sep-2012 00:35:59

Codie 1972
Jan Member 2019

Codie 1972

Posts: 51 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As i Wish.
Why dont you see it from my point of view I have been a member for 7 years so why would us old members want to see it change to you can now buy xp or buy bank space when we didnt have to before .
I suppose you could argue that if they didnt make these changes they would just increase the membership instead so you could say that becasue I will not buy extra spins or pay for bank space I am saving money but is it fair that it has taken me more than 7 years to get all my lvls to 98 or 99 and now someone new can just buy the levels becasue they have money.
Should jagex now change the rules to you can now share your account but only with family members or real life friends because it is your account and why would people want to share their account ? I suppose to get extra levels . Should real world trading now also be allowed . You can pay money for items off jagex so why dont I pay my real life friend to give me their items.
I really do not mind the changes that you can buy xp or bank space with real money as long as jagex doesnt mind if you buy xp or items off a real life friend or family member.

02-Sep-2012 01:47:37 - Last edited on 02-Sep-2012 01:48:45 by Codie 1972

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