
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Bolt Storm
Nov Member 2013

Bolt Storm

Posts: 141 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok, we understand and on the whole accept that Squeal and Solomon are here to stay blaa blaa blaa...
But if you look at it retrospectively, Jagex will NEVER remove squeal because there are bots that spin the squeal that have people deluded into believing that by using this script, people will have a greater chance of landing on a rare item, such as the 200M cash pile.
Botting next i think:
The last "bot nuke" you released was good for about 3 weeks (if I remember correctly) until the bots began to reappear. Preventing bots from being made is all well and good, but quite frankly, they're been made faster than you can put countermeasures in place. Random events for example were very successful in the beginning, but now they are just an annoyance for real people. Just because we gain a large amount of experience in a given time, doesn't mean that we are botting. I completed The Void Stares Back the other day for example, and as soon as I left the cave where the boss fight takes place, I was dropped into a random event...
Now, my favourite line from the entire post is this "The management team and I have the heavy responsibility of ensuring the future of this incredible and unique game." RuneScape was a unique game from the off-set. By not having action bars, it stood-out from all of the other popular games on the market to date. Now, with the ever-looming approach of the Evolution of Combat, it is beginning to feel like just another generic adventure game from a company that says it cares, but in reality, searches for their next pay-check, rather than customer service milestone.
And so, I leave with this final thought:
Sure, 200 million accounts created is all well and good, but;
A) How many are currently active players who ENJOY the game?
B) How many are algorithms, executing a list of commands for real-life money/a quicker-way of training a mundane skill?
The noblest of deeds comes from the darkest of minds.

/|Skilled Slayerz - Deputy Owner|Experienced player & Quester|Happy to help!|Cyber Security Professional\

30-Aug-2012 00:14:54



Posts: 411 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Its just more nonesense they're attempting to calm their memberbase because the game is going the way of MapleStory. Honestly I would cancel my membership today if I weren't waiting for the moment they release EOC. I eagerly await that day so they truly understand how ridiculous it is catering to botters gold sellers and players willing to pay for an edge. Sorry Jagex, but you guys clearly gave up on your players years ago and expecting us to come to bat for you is naive at best.

30-Aug-2012 00:16:57

Saints Pray

Saints Pray

Posts: 589 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
http://services.runescape.c 0 m/m=news/the-future-of-runescape
^ i thought this was the future where it was all about f2p and how f2p isn't a demo?
now it is all about making content (for members).
that is nice.
"To be completely candid with you, video adverts generate significantly more revenue than other adverts, but as one of our fundamental philosophies is that having fun is more important to us than making as much money as possible, we have removed video adverts from the game."
Will be reposted until a reply is given.
I await a reponse.

if this gold farm spam and less bots in f2p then i'll be happy.
but for the moment. erm no.
"We'd also like to clear up a few issues surrounding the free game. RuneScape is different from all other MMOs in that the free game has an epic amount of content (we'd estimate over 2,000 hours worth to get all your skills up to 99 and complete all the quests) and isn't merely a demo for the members’ version. If anything, we see the members’ version as an expansion pack for those that really love the game and we feel both games are substantive in their own right. I want to apologise for habitually over-promoting the benefits of membership to our free players. I strongly believe if you love the free game you will equally love the members’ content and that is sufficient promotion to me. If you can't enjoy the free game in its own right then we're not doing our jobs properly. We will continue to improve the free game and, crucially, make it as fun as possible because we know that this is the way that everyone first discovers RuneScape."
YOU MUST BE MEMBERS (So lets introduce members holiday rewards)
I have also been playing for 8 years.

30-Aug-2012 00:20:47

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