
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Saints Pray

Saints Pray

Posts: 589 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
HTML 5? oh no.
http://services.runescape.c 0 m/m=news/the-future-of-runescape
^ i thought this was the future where it was all about f2p and how f2p isn't a demo?
now it is all about making content (for members).
that is nice.
"To be completely candid with you, video adverts generate significantly more revenue than other adverts, but as one of our fundamental philosophies is that having fun is more important to us than making as much money as possible, we have removed video adverts from the game."
Will be reposted until a reply is given.
I await a reponse.

if this gold farm spam and less bots in f2p then i'll be happy.
but for the moment. erm no.
"We'd also like to clear up a few issues surrounding the free game. RuneScape is different from all other MMOs in that the free game has an epic amount of content (we'd estimate over 2,000 hours worth to get all your skills up to 99 and complete all the quests) and isn't merely a demo for the members’ version. If anything, we see the members’ version as an expansion pack for those that really love the game and we feel both games are substantive in their own right. I want to apologise for habitually over-promoting the benefits of membership to our free players. I strongly believe if you love the free game you will equally love the members’ content and that is sufficient promotion to me. If you can't enjoy the free game in its own right then we're not doing our jobs properly. We will continue to improve the free game and, crucially, make it as fun as possible because we know that this is the way that everyone first discovers RuneScape."
YOU MUST BE MEMBERS (So lets introduce members holiday rewards)
I have also been playing for 8 years.

30-Aug-2012 00:05:01



Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They introduced micro payments to make RS better, when in fact they are just making it worse and easier to play.
Runescape was unique compared to other games, now they are trying to be like other online games which is sad.
They say that directly selling gold and xp would generate more revenue than their other updates but won't do it because they think it's not good for the game... That makes me laugh but frustrated at the same time cause although they mention not doing it directly, they are in fact doing it indirectly. They are still selling gold and xp but trying to convince you they are not with their play on words.
There are so many other things they could have done rather than give others an unfair advantage in the game if they have money to blow.
I agree with banning gold sellers, but the fact is Jagex didn't do it for their community, they did it because they can't stand the thought of others profiting off their game by selling gold when they can do it themselves. So by banning gold sellers, they gain customers with money to spend on their nonsense squeals and solomon's store stuff.
So many people will never quit no matter how bad this game gets cause in doing so they are admitting to themselves that all that time and effort was a complete waste, so they keep playing to make it seem like it's worth something, that they did not make a mistake investing so much time into it. Well, I quit and I feel good about it.

30-Aug-2012 00:07:52



Posts: 84 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As if that was written by MMG...
These comments sum it up perfectly.

-Page 83 Mod Daezhun:
"I notice a lot of cynicism and skepticism in the comments. Hopefully these will be allayed with the Q&A sessions and future news posts/content."

"Yes, yes you should notice a lot of cynicism and skepticism in these comments. Do you know why? Because you (jagex in general not you specifically) have repeatedly lied to us, broken your promises, and are now continuing to blatantly lie to us. You go so far as to openly contradict yourself within a single post and then deny it."

Ian Peregrin:
"Every time I log in as a member, I get a pop-up ad or two.
Every month I get a bill which includes the blatant lie that members get "no ads".
Oh, and the pop-up ad is for a shop where I can buy a random amount of xp, RS gold or usually cash-able item for real cash.
And mods keep lying that Jagex will never, ever sell RS gold or xp, right here in this thread.
Jagex is lying and breaking promises on a daily basis.
And you wonder why your players turn cynic?
Get real."

30-Aug-2012 00:10:19

Double J169

Double J169

Posts: 83 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is finally an update I can get behind. Java needs to be dumped with all of the security issues they've been having lately and the fact that you're converting the game to tablets is a great! I don't know how far in the future it'll be but I'm glad you're doing it.

30-Aug-2012 00:10:41

St Ignatius

St Ignatius

Posts: 5,010 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This problem simplified:
1. Jagex got a massive amount of income because of bots.
2. Much like governments they get used to the budget.
3. They banned all the bots.
4. They needed to continue to fuel the machine.
5. Instead of spending time on legitimate, authentic, genuine, and amazing updates with all that extra people--they thought of the SoF and Solomon's to regain lost income.
6. They took the wrong path, and we will pay the price for years to come.

They screwed up and took the easy way out...

30-Aug-2012 00:10:59

Saints Pray

Saints Pray

Posts: 589 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
edited: one moment please.
http://services.runescape.c 0 m/m=news/the-future-of-
^ i thought this was the future where it was all about
f2p and how f2p isn't a demo?
now it is all about making content (for members).
that is nice.
"To be completely candid with you, video adverts generate significantly more revenue than other adverts, but as one of our fundamental philosophies is that having fun is more important to us than making as much money as possible, we have removed video adverts from the game."
Will be reposted until a reply is given.
I await a reponse.

if this gold farm spam and less bots in f2p then i'll be
but for the moment. erm no.
"We'd also like to clear up a few issues surrounding the free game. RuneScape is different from all other MMOs in that the free game has an epic amount of content (we'd estimate over 2,000 hours worth to get all your skills up to 99 and complete all the quests) and isn't merely a demo for the members’ version. If anything, we see the members’ version as an expansion pack for those that really love the game and we feel both games are substantive in their own right. I want to apologise for habitually over-promoting the benefits of membership to our free players. I strongly believe if you love the free game you will equally love the members’ content and that is sufficient promotion to me. If you can't enjoy the free game in its own right then we're not doing our jobs properly. We will continue to improve the free game and, crucially, make it as fun as possible because we know that this is the way that everyone first discovers RuneScape."
YOU MUST BE MEMBERS (So lets introduce members holiday
I have also been playing for 8 years.

30-Aug-2012 00:11:23 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 00:13:18 by Saints Pray

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