
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Sep Member 2022


Posts: 96 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hmmm, on one hand, I am excited about these pieces of news, and the fulfillment of Mod MMG's promise to keep the player base more informed, a trend that has been going on since RuneCast was released, and BTS was renewed. On the other hand, my experience with any game company has been to take ALL news, promises, and future updates with a fine grain of salt. If they actually happen, great, but if they are falsities, no great surprise.
It is an interesting move on JaGeX's part to actually openly admit that these micro-transactions are now a fully functioning part of funding the game. Unless I have not been keeping up with the news recently, this is something they have not done before, and I applaud their honesty with their fan-base. This leads me to lend a bit more credence to their words, however this does not take them out from under the microscope completely.
As for me, I have been gaming for over 10 years now, and have come to see that micro-transactions are the best way to support a game. However, when these transactions become a necessity to actually complete the game, I quit the game.
JaGeX is on a very slippery slope here. To make the banning of bots possible, micro-transactions MUST take place, but to make micro-transactions a necessity of the game seriously limits the company's customer base. I hope JaGeX knows what they are doing, because many companies that I have played with have not, and many a perfectly functioning, operable, and fun game has died on the vine.

30-Aug-2012 00:20:50



Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They introduced micro payments to make RS better, when in fact they are just making it worse and easier to play.
Runescape was unique compared to other games, now they are trying to be like other online games which is sad.
They say that directly selling gold and xp would generate more revenue than their other updates but won't do it because they think it's not good for the game... That makes me laugh but frustrated at the same time cause although they mention not doing it directly, they are in fact doing it indirectly. They are still selling gold and xp but trying to convince you they are not with their play on words.
There are so many other things they could have done rather than give others an unfair advantage in the game if they have money to blow.
I agree with banning gold sellers, but the fact is Jagex didn't do it for their community, they did it because they can't stand the thought of others profiting off their game by selling gold when they can do it themselves. So by banning gold sellers, they gain customers with money to spend on their nonsense squeals and solomon's store stuff.
So many people will never quit no matter how bad this game gets cause in doing so they are admitting to themselves that all that time and effort was a complete waste, so they keep playing to make it seem like it's worth something, that they did not make a mistake investing so much time into it. Well, I quit and I feel good about it.

30-Aug-2012 00:21:30

Dec Member 2005


Posts: 24,767 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
> Karmaizen posted:

Runescape was unique compared to other games, now they are trying to be like other online games which is sad.

Nah, RS is adapting to the current gaming world. Failure to adapt means a failure to thrive.
Can I turn in a paper without citing all sources?
1. William Shakespeare, Hamlet , Act III, Scene 1, line 96.

30-Aug-2012 00:22:16

Aug Member 2023


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YES FINALLY WE CAN SEE LONGER DISTANCES. I've been waiting a long time for this type of update. good job.
I understand why you are doing these micro transactions, but you have to realise that when you sacrifice real updates with things like sof/sol updates people are going to get upset.
gg mark and jagex. let's hope bot nuke works this time. for good. forever.

30-Aug-2012 00:23:12

Miss Take
Aug Member 2007

Miss Take

Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't even want to buy into the argument of microtransactions. To some extent I can see how it's an important form of new revenue for Jagex (if it weren't for the fact that xp lamps are one of the rewards on SOF - I'd even agree to it).
But Mod MMG talked about the future of the game, about exciting new content. As a regular player over 5 years, I am frankly overwhelmed by the amount of content we seem to get on a weekly basis. It's actually having a negative effect on me.
The sad thing is, Jagex brings out some great new content which is fun to participate in but then due to poor rewards in return for 'effort', players soon leave the activity in droves and it becomes relatively dead content. IMO that's where Jagex needs to be concentrating its efforts. Don't give us new content...fix the potentially great content that is already there by making the activity worthwhile.
Minigames like Trouble Brewing are a lot of fun but it's impossible to play, because two lonely players waiting in the lobby do not make a team. Hunting by catching sprites was so much fun, but the rewards just never stacked up. Now, walk through that area and all you see is bouncing bushes but not a single wand wielding player in sight.
That's where Jagex's 'new content' should be - investing this new money in fixing the old.

30-Aug-2012 00:25:26



Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ YtHaar Mej
Perhaps for you that is true, but definately not true for me or the many other veterans I know that have enjoyed this game in the past. What happens if all games adapt like you say with a very minimal difference between each other? What's the point then? Where's the variety and uniqueness?

30-Aug-2012 00:26:00



Posts: 509 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"...what makes it the adventure game that millions of us, worldwide, enjoy on a daily basis..."
Sorry... You aren't allowed to include bots... Oh, and there's not millions of bots, just about 200k+. There is really only about a max of 40k players... You can see that after the bot nuke.
"I want to say, categorically, that we will not go down this road."
You already have, the game is already dead, because of bots and you devalued it by selling gold, xp, items, rares, Ect. on SoF. Sure, you're not buying it directly like gold farming sites, but it doesn't matter... It still devalues the game... So nice job.
"Equally, many of you will know our past initiatives against botting and gold farming cost us millions of players..."
Sorry, again players are not bots... The bot nuke cost you millions of bots, and that's over exaggerating... There was about 200k... Like it is now.
"Our passion and dedication to the game and community has never changed; nor will it."
Yes it has, if you had passion for your game you would consider the players more then anything...
I don't even want to carry on just putting all your effort into this post down anymore... Plus I have to call my girlfriend... So please Jagex... Fix the game... If you really want me to I can find other things in this that you lied about.

30-Aug-2012 00:27:59

Mar Member 2005


Posts: 5,439 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've been playing since about 1/2005; became a member in March of that year. I started playing because my son was playing. I tend to agree with Bolt Storm. I'd also like to say that bringing back free trade and continuing to allow gambling is only feeding gold sellers and rwt.
I used to be fairly addicted to the game but all the Squealing and Shopping has cured me. I refuse to even use the free 200 coins.

30-Aug-2012 00:28:12



Posts: 974 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
well, i guess my faith in runescape is somehow restored.
I myself have been here in the forums and on facebook also saying we don't want SoF/SgS and i've been saying you don't care about us, and you ignore us, but thanks for what you said, it' quite made me rethink a little bit about what i've been doing "spamming" sof and sgs.
well, i hate them, there's nothing you can do to make me love SoF and SgS, well taking it out would make me happy as half of runescape comunity... HOWEVER, it takes guts to answer to us all with all you said, and i kinda agree the fact you have doubled your staff and need more money to do better updates, ok, that's fine and also i woudn't want to have to pay even more for my membership .
The Interview quite doesn't answer all the questions we had, however, it'll make , at least for me, SoF ans SgS updates, well, not that sh*tty as they always have been.

I can't wait for the bot nuke and the runescape guardian stuff that is to come, the new updates you are willing to put ingame, and also (taking the early update about sizzling september, you said it'd be 2 quests) i love quests and the 2 quests , i hope they're epic as you said, because i know you can do epic stuff, and if you do, i'll f**king kiss each mod on runefest
can't wait for semptember updates, and the upcoming updates yet to come to the rest of the year.
Thank you mod mmg, for not ignore us, (i apologize for spamming and saying jmods were piece of Sh*t and crap, and pigs, and greedy, and im also sorry about making real world dark magic for all the mods die with a stick in their asses, but i'll take out this black magic this evening, don't worry ^^ ) and at least give us an explanation about what's going on with this microtransactions updates.
Yo Im Ze
haters gonna hate
the others gonna support, whatever, i'm not here to make any1 happy but me^^

conclusion: whenever Mod MMG appears, it means that sh*t just got serious... :p

30-Aug-2012 00:30:21 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 00:31:32 by Sasqe

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