I would like to thank you for taking the time to address us about micro-payments.
I really have no problem with either of them. I do when have a little extra money, I buy costumes and spins for a little fun and distraction from regular game play.
But, I would like an answer to when the things we did buy spins for and won on the squeal of fortune will be replaced. And a guarantee that if I choose to invest in more runecoins for the bank space. That i will not log in one day and see it gone like my candyfloss, balloons and candy.
Now on to another of your post. The bot issue.. I understand that people are upset about sgs and sof. But, to only include a few lines about the bots and another promise of soon of dealing with them. I do not like.
I want to know that anyone that has cheated and gained ranks in high scores will also be banned and their levels set to zero. I understand it takes time. What i do not understand is the non communication and non banning or removing of them before they make millions and millions of coins and levels. I have reported many bots daily watched them go from levels 80 to 120 , without so much as a delay in their cheating. This to me destroys the integrity of the game more than any micro-payment you implement.
I have read time and again, how jmods coming into the game and banning bots would not be an answer. That more will just be created. But it will take time to get 85 dung for frost dragons again. It will take time for them to get levels to kill any dragon again. Time that can be used to make better ways of dealing with them.
And what do players get. We get told it will be soon. Soon to me means a few weeks. Soon does not mean people can bot into the 100 to 200 million experience before action is took.
I am backing this company paying my membership..buying your spins and runecoins. But when is your company going to back me as a player and ban,,not disable all the cheating bots and their owners they transfer money to?
30-Aug-2012 16:51:49