To begin with, I must say I'm impressed at the fact that people who are developing this game personally response to concerns raised by the community. Many here may take it for granted, but I've played some online games which turned from great games to disasters, once factor to disaster being that developers quit addressing the community, completely.
But regarding the issue, the only problem I find with the Squeal of fortune is that it has a lot of prices which involve cash (or items tradable for cash) and xp-lamps. In principle this is micro-transaction dangerously closing to that offered by third-party websites. Replace these items with un-tradable useful items such as new transport items, low-healing but stackable food and so forth. These, along with a few cosmetic sets and items, shouldn't make the SoF less profitable. As for Salomon's store, it really isn't a problem. Bearable, to say the worst about it.
Keep up with the graphical updates, and I'm looking forward for new quests and areas (eastern lands, for instance!). Simply remove monetary- and xp prices from the SoF, and keep them out, too. Really, there's no other issue with micr-transactions otherwise.
30-Aug-2012 16:23:00