
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 3,834 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Hanes E N
Exactly. They blatantly ignore almost everything the player base says. Then, on the rare few occasions that they don't, they sit back and stroke their egos and act like they're such a THOUGHTFUL and considerate company for listening to their player base.
They're liars and cowards.

30-Aug-2012 16:22:06

Cutty Bark
Jun Member 2022

Cutty Bark

Posts: 117 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To begin with, I must say I'm impressed at the fact that people who are developing this game personally response to concerns raised by the community. Many here may take it for granted, but I've played some online games which turned from great games to disasters, once factor to disaster being that developers quit addressing the community, completely.
But regarding the issue, the only problem I find with the Squeal of fortune is that it has a lot of prices which involve cash (or items tradable for cash) and xp-lamps. In principle this is micro-transaction dangerously closing to that offered by third-party websites. Replace these items with un-tradable useful items such as new transport items, low-healing but stackable food and so forth. These, along with a few cosmetic sets and items, shouldn't make the SoF less profitable. As for Salomon's store, it really isn't a problem. Bearable, to say the worst about it.
Keep up with the graphical updates, and I'm looking forward for new quests and areas (eastern lands, for instance!). Simply remove monetary- and xp prices from the SoF, and keep them out, too. Really, there's no other issue with micr-transactions otherwise.

30-Aug-2012 16:23:00



Posts: 96 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Didn't you say the exact same thing regarding tradable rares?
Given the value party hats, santa's, 'ween's etc already had you said you'd never remove them as it wouldn't be fair on the players that had worked so hard to retrieve them. But alongside this you openly admitted they were a mistake and promised never introduce any more into the game.
So what on earth were you thinking when introducing fish masks? Don't they damage the economy in the same manner you outlined previously? The truth is you we're simply trying to boost your profits (short-term) at the cost of the games integrity.
despite what you say, its seems very apparent that runescape is running hard and fast down the the micro payments path. I can only hope your product vision evolves beyond this.
A once frequent player of runescape.

30-Aug-2012 16:23:22

Jalopy Cruz
Dec Member 2019

Jalopy Cruz

Posts: 161 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
>Unless they start selling straight up packs of XP like pretty much every other Free >MMO
The competition makes them do it. That and the investors. Investors whose only wish is to make the most money in the shortest time.
So, listen guys, play the game as long as it is fun for you. After which, it doesn't seem like there will be a better game to go to. And there isn't one now.

30-Aug-2012 16:26:56



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's all very well for them to state what they intend to spend money on, but until they remove buyable ingame advantages or separate sof/sol buyers and non sof/sol buyers high scores, and rid the game of bots, they have no place to speak of integrity.

30-Aug-2012 16:31:31



Posts: 4,614 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Another slide down the slipper Real World trading slope.
This time selling bank space.
Another MMG posting asking players to trust Jagex's honesty.
Words are cheap.
However yours actions continue to signal greed!
How many more such slides and MMG postings will we be getting?

30-Aug-2012 16:33:44

Misses Nina

Misses Nina

Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mmg,thanks for the info,but the only thing you trying to do whit this post is to calm down the community. And for what i see it ain't working well!! In staed off having so muth peeps working on sof and solomon's store just let them work on game content or retestng it so for ex the lagg isue after each update is less or totally gone,and remove those 2. The communety would be very thankfull.
You said you need the money but why didn't you need it the past 10 y?? You have enouf sponsors or could get more and easely can find other way's to make money. Organise some more events maby?? Cause over rf this year we didn't hear much =p
And about gold/xp selling that's just a metter of time,when ivp decides it's time to do it you have to*****,

30-Aug-2012 16:34:42

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