
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 686 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am glad this was posted. I think this was very necessary. I am less concerned about the future of Runescape, although I do still have some concerns with the presence of SoF and Solomon's Store because even if the current staff doesn't abuse it, it is very likely that future staff will. In my opinion, microtransactions still harm the game because they are sneaky in nature. I still believe that raising membership prices would be a better idea. I personally would be happy to pay a higher price for membership rather than do microtransactions.
Although to those who are complaining that Jagex isn't doing enough about the bots and goldfarmers, although they are easy to recognize in gameplay, they aren't necessarily easy to stop. Even if you ban each one that is reported, there is nothing stopping them from just making new accounts. As an example, stopping bots requires programming to throw them off. The relief is temporary because bots are then programmed to get around the programming. Bot nuke was never meant to be the final solution because bots eventually get around them and new programming is needed to stop those new bots, and it continues.

30-Aug-2012 16:08:55 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 16:18:23 by Unidra

Dj Big A

Dj Big A

Posts: 280 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
people are saying that jagex was doing fine and they never needed money and saying they just trying to squeeze money out of ppl sith solomon and what not but if they were really doing great why did their company got boought by ivp?

30-Aug-2012 16:09:12



Posts: 1,772 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why are people complaining about not a lot of content lately. I believe it has something to do with EoC lol.......
And the chances that your money will in fact buy you tons of xp is ludicrous. What you might get a lot of small xp lamps and what not. But the amount of money you would have to put into it to get anywhere would be over the top. Unless they start selling straight up packs of XP like pretty much every other Free MMO, stop crying.

30-Aug-2012 16:13:09



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They weren't doing great. They were in profit due to bots. They lost all the real players because of the bots. They got bought out because the people who originally made the game moved on to other projects. They are now just another company living off their past reputation while repelling their past players and from the looks of it staff.
You can't live off our reputation. You stopped pmods muting hosts lol. Get off our game.

30-Aug-2012 16:15:58

B Brake

B Brake

Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Man, I love this game. Squeal and Solomon's are indeed quite silly, but I only play this game for a month or two, then come back half a year later or whatever. As such, I may be a perpetual noob, but I get to see all that's changed while I was away, and I have to say that the rate of improvement to the game has been exponential. From graphical improvements to more frequent content updates, I've seen this game improve a lot more in the last two years than in the two before it, and all the while the players gripe and moan and cry about every single thing along the way.
I like that the game changes, that new things are tried and that sometimes it doesn't work out. I think the players should count their blessings. I think Jagex tries way harder than, for example, Blizzard to address the concerns of their players and to make the game great. Sometimes, unfortunate changes are made to bring in new players or to make more money, but if it helps to improve the game even further, then I am fine with it.
Hate on me all you want, but I love Jagex and I think they're doing a fine job. I won't be buying any extra spins, but if others want to then that's okay with me.

30-Aug-2012 16:19:14



Posts: 649 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
100% BS, ALL you care about is trying to make as much cash as possible, we're not plain stupid like you and you should stop trying to explain why your RWT updates are not RWT. You ignore all negative feedback you get AKA 90% off the total feedback.

30-Aug-2012 16:19:17

Nabu Rimanni

Nabu Rimanni

Posts: 23,865 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
AriMamba, page 166: "why did their company get bought by ivp?"
It was just time for the founders to cash in for their rewards. If IVP didn't buy a majoritiy stock, one of the other investment companies would have. The results may or may not have been better with a different majority company.
We've been on a new phase of RuneScape for a couple of years now. It's a cash cow. The investors want their profits now, but they don't want to kill the cow either. They've made mistakes. They treated the cow badly, and it's not healthy.
Heal the game, Mark. Make sure your promises go though. Only you can do it.

30-Aug-2012 16:20:11



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have never seen such disgusting graphics in Runescape or any other game as the new armour the nasty outfits in SoF and Solomon's store, the new beta graphics. Please stop justifying every problem in the game with the new vile graphics.

30-Aug-2012 16:22:05

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