Man, I love this game. Squeal and Solomon's are indeed quite silly, but I only play this game for a month or two, then come back half a year later or whatever. As such, I may be a perpetual noob, but I get to see all that's changed while I was away, and I have to say that the rate of improvement to the game has been exponential. From graphical improvements to more frequent content updates, I've seen this game improve a lot more in the last two years than in the two before it, and all the while the players gripe and moan and cry about every single thing along the way.
I like that the game changes, that new things are tried and that sometimes it doesn't work out. I think the players should count their blessings. I think Jagex tries way harder than, for example, Blizzard to address the concerns of their players and to make the game great. Sometimes, unfortunate changes are made to bring in new players or to make more money, but if it helps to improve the game even further, then I am fine with it.
Hate on me all you want, but I love Jagex and I think they're doing a fine job. I won't be buying any extra spins, but if others want to then that's okay with me.
30-Aug-2012 16:19:14