
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

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Posts: 313 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The problem I have with SoF and Solomon's is that it undermines game updates. What I mean by this is that we see more updates on these things than updates that actually improve the game such as introducing more content. This has been to the point that we as players simply ignore these micro-payment updates and think of them as useless.

30-Aug-2012 15:53:04

To The Grav3

To The Grav3

Posts: 12 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why are some of you still playing this game if you hate it so much? By now you should know that Jagex lies, doesn't care that much about the community and is a business that wants to make money. You care way too much about this game. Jagex won't go back to the "golden age of RS" and if you can't deal with the lies, micro transactions, bots, glitches and gamblers then just quit the damn game already!

30-Aug-2012 15:53:46

H Rassy
Sep Member 2023

H Rassy

Posts: 17,469 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Realy nice and open newspost,am pleasantly suprised i have to admit :) Good thing jagex communicates a bit more openly about this, and good to see they dont plant on selling xp,gp or accounts, this should hopefully reasure people who had wories about that.
Only one line where they misguide themselves and us a bit
"Equally, many of you will know our past initiatives against botting and gold farming cost us millions of players, and certainly tens of millions of dollars"
should be
"Equally, many of you will know our past initiatives against botting and gold farming cost us millions of paying and non paying bots, and certainly tens of millions of dollars"
I hope they see and acknowledge that less bots brings in more players and is a positive thing for the game.
Pls dont look at them only in terms of direct revenu.

30-Aug-2012 15:59:16 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 16:37:34 by H Rassy

Cake Thief

Cake Thief

Posts: 8,001 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would if Jagex can retain their name if they aren't going to be using Java anymore:p
I much prefer Jagex to Hagex! :S
and Proud

30-Aug-2012 15:59:49 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 16:00:12 by Cake Thief



Posts: 9,825 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We all know JaGeX is not the one our veteran players grew up with and loved. It is now partly owned by an investment company. Investment companies purely want to make as much money out a project as possible to firstly cover their initial investment and then anything afterwards is a bonus profit wise. So what I'm trying to say is that if there is more money to be made in this game there going to keep pressing and pressing for it.
I admire JaGeX as a whole not just Mark Gerhard on coming clean on the micro-transactions and does restore some faith I have in the company. The fact is that without at least one of the Gowers having a major input, the game could go anywhere. It was there baby and they had good morals regarding things like micro-transactions. They made the game for the players, they saw the game grow year upon year and they knew what we all wanted and rewarded us with a very fair and great game.
So I leave you all with this thought:
"For example, we know that directly selling gold, XP or even accounts would generate between 10 to 15 times more revenue than Squeal or Solomon’s Store generates combined"
Investment companies want to make as much money as possible.......Surely it's only a matter of time.

-side note-
The Gowers also started with nothing. They built it up and sold the GAME experience not skill experience or bank spaces. They made millions from nothing and all without any sign of micro transactions.
A concerned veteran

30-Aug-2012 16:00:53 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 16:19:47 by Heartsz



Posts: 3,834 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You are correct. Time after time throughout the years, we've watched Jagex go back on some of their long time held beliefs and morals.
Now that an investment company has Jagex in a metaphorical stranglehold, it's only a matter of time before they start doing any and all of the things they swore they would never do.

30-Aug-2012 16:05:36



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Isn't true though is it. You only need to buy a certain amount of cash and xp to rid the game of bots. The way they are doing it is get people addicted and keep them spinning for xp items gp and lose xp on lamps you don't want and items you don't want buy hey, nvm you can convert them to gp!!!! They obviously get much more money that way than they would selling the small amount of gold and xp for cheap gold farming/bot seller prices.
Complete LIES. Every word. They milk much more money this way, and ruin the game much more.

30-Aug-2012 16:06:02 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 16:06:25 by [#F86JGG3L7]



Posts: 637 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Is it me or does it seem like in that message from MMO he justifies the current system of micro-transactions (Squeal and Solo) because they simply aren't as "bad" (or bring in as much money) as more direct micro-transactions would (aka just selling xp or gold directly)?
If your game is great it'll sell itself. You shouldn't need to beef up revenue by selling benefits.

30-Aug-2012 16:07:59

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