
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just a thought and i'm honestly not sure whether it qualifies or not but i was just thinking about this and wondered if anyone else had. When Jagex sued all the RWT companies for selling gold they attached a value to RS gp, i.e. x amount of gp = x amount of dollars. The SoF sells spins for real money and you essentially gamble on what item you get. Since even lamps can be converted to money, every item on the SoF has a value in RS gp. Since RS gp has a value in real money as well, wouldn't this essentially be spending real money to gamble on the chance of winning real money? Judging from the mass amount of gold sellers spamming my chat, i'd say wining 200m would be equal to about 150-250 dollars. So essentially, if you get lucky (as with all gambling) you would actually make a profit if you bought spins and sold the gold. Yes, i realize thats illegal but it would still be gambling. Last i checked theres laws against online gambling, particularly for minors. Anyone with a law degree know anything about this and whether it qualifies?

31-Aug-2012 00:59:32

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm off for the night i think. If IVP decides to ban me for doing nothing more then trying to inform people about the game they play then so be it. It would just be another sad comment on the way they are running things. Incidentally, i have screen shots of all of this as a little insurance policy if you will.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me as well as the others who have taken time out of their day to inform the community. I shall be back tomorrow, hopefully.

31-Aug-2012 01:03:24



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yeah it does, and also if you are free to play you can also "WIN" items that you can't claim unless you are a member, then you lose.. So you do not win every time, unless you consider winning to be winning the item if you pay more to be able to collect it...
Also if you have all the xp and gp you want and you only want cosmetic items off sof, then you lose every time you do not win a cosmetic really. Same if you do want xp in a certain skill you lose every time you get gp items or xp in a skill you don't want.
Nothing about it is good lol.

31-Aug-2012 01:05:02



Posts: 1,294 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In the next 5 years I can tell you 1 of 3 things will happen
1 Sponsor pay
2 Drop all RWT
3 Close down.
Let me expand on each topic for a moment. 1 the sponsor pay is a bunch of other companies that you have to click adds on to hope you can get some in game cash to go through. Its such a pain in the neck games that do it have no loyal players really because its all money and no fun.
2 the dropping the RWT and admitting they were led astray all together and the cash was fast and nice but did hurt them in the long run losing so many very loyal gamers and gaining fly by night people who play and quit and never stay.
3 close down... I hope this never happens but the road they are now one the fortune 500 flash pan is a fast money hard road to live on and they will have to up member ship price to at least $15 a month and it will hurt them to and then a lot of people will be out of a job.
None of us want this company to go under but right now I am expecting it. Its why I have turned to other games to play because It will suck so much when the game is gone.
One thing they forget is all of us very loyal gamers who play this for years on end have a lot invested in this company to not just the game the whole company... Time and love for its creation.
You think its just your end but its all of us. You talk like its you and you game its ours we all love it and will hate to see it end. mark my words it will end some day if you keep down this path of destruction.
This is a path where you have corporate guys patting you on the back saying its the right thing If the gamers don't like it who cares your making money now. They will smile and say how smart you are and know its going to blow up. For them that is the fun part watching you blow up in a few years. The bet will be how long it really took.
I wish I were wrong but...

31-Aug-2012 01:07:45



Posts: 1,540 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I understand that the economy hit Runescape when botters were being banned/disabled/eliminated from the game, and I understand that the Squeal of Fortune and Solomon's shop are helping you to profit, so that you can bring us more updates.
I also understand that the Squeal of Fortune and Solomon's shop were widely disliked updates, and that most players hate micro-transactions with a passion.
But what I do not understand is why they have not been removed from the game? And why do you continue trying to convince us that they are helping us?
So much negative feedback has been ignored - it seems that you are only paying attention to the positive feedback.
The majority of players do NOT like micro-transactions. You still have not removed them from game, and are now using them as a way to give us new updates. The real question is - do we want more of your updates?
You never asked us if we wanted the Squeal of just forced it upon us. And now you won't take it away...
Why are you ignoring your playerbase..?

31-Aug-2012 01:10:41



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Part of our membership we pay for is to use forums as well as talk in game and they remove that lol. They then take money from players for sof and solomon and membership and we are expected to trust them as a business and invest more to help them? They must want us to think we can't do anything and are not entitled to have our say? They don't silence bots or hosts but they can attempt to silence us on forums? I don't see the business sense. Do they think we don't all know?

31-Aug-2012 01:32:13

Ian Peregrin

Ian Peregrin

Posts: 739 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The next pseudo-'update' is another promotion for their XP/RS gold sale scheme.
Yup, the RS team has doubled in size, and promoting and expanding RWT is all the new people do.
Given that the real feedback is, of course, overwhelmingly negative, do I smell another coup to push numbers, in order to lie about player support?
Less to the players - we're not the customer, we're the product - than to The-Company-Which-Is-Not-To-Be-Named?
`Yes, the letter was a total success, see, players are accepting our Real World Trade scheme now, otherwise, why would the SoF sales have skyrocketed just right afterwards?'
Actions speak louder than words, especially words from a company that lies on a daily basis (`we will never ever sell gold/XP', `no ads for members', etc.).

31-Aug-2012 01:51:17 - Last edited on 31-Aug-2012 02:04:16 by Ian Peregrin

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