Dear Jagex Staff,
I have been a loyal Runescape vet. I have been playing for about 7+ years. I feel in love with Runescape as soon as I started playing. It was easy to learn, yet challenging (to get skills up, quest, etc.), fun, simple, and most importantly it wasn't like any other game.
I'm not here too say I want 'Old Runescape' back. I just want to let you all know that I don't like the way one of the most amazing games in the world is headed.
There's so many updates piled on Runescape where the game isn't the same anymore. Players fell for the game for the way it was. I don't know if you guys get that. I, as well as many others, don't want the game to change, but it is. Don't get me wrong, a little change here is there is appreciated, but it seems like it's changing strictly for money/business purposes. Which isn't wrong at all, because when it comes down to it Jagex Company is a business, and businesses want to make as much money as possible.
So all I have left to say is that, people can fall in love with the most simplest thing because the fact that it is simple, but when it gets too complicated and takes a turn for the worst, you can't expect people not too leave. I know you all take time and effort and really talk about big updates, but do you really think about what your players want? Players that have been loyal for YEARS.
Without the players, it's nothing.
<3 Whitnay
29-Aug-2012 22:25:59