
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Sookie Lala

Sookie Lala

Posts: 49,349 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok, I am glad you are finally speaking up about the issue, being honest with your players is a positive thing. Thank you for that.
I am a little concerned with this HTML5 thing, will I still be able to play with my old computer?
:) :) :) :)

29-Aug-2012 22:32:02



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lol. You guys do sell gold and exp. There were some rumors a while ago that you were selling banned accounts back to their owners, but that's irrelevant. The SOF has copious amounts of money on it, and this Summer of fun event is selling one million exp for 2 months worth of membership. (16 dollars where I live)

29-Aug-2012 22:32:37

Wuhan Stew

Wuhan Stew

Posts: 836 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"In the case of the Squeal and Solomon’s Store, this has been no different. We have thought out and carefully quantified the impact of these updates on the overall game, and have been looking anxiously at feedback from all of our community. One specific difference that does exist with these updates, however, is that micro-payments are often associated with their potential to undermine the integrity of games so that companies can profit in the short-term. As a result, many players have questioned whether RuneScape is heading down this tragic route.
I want to say, categorically, that we will not go down this road. In reality - and quite in contrast to this speculation - the introduction of micro-payments to RuneScape has a significant role in ensuring that we can continue to support, develop and grow the game for many more years to come. "

ah the amusement,i love how you 'beat around the bush' by not directly saying that micro-transactions wrong,or that its rwt. now as for why you do this? its because you know is the truth, its undermining the game, its rwt, its wrong, and its hypocritical.
IF THAT IS NOT TRUE then why did u have to change the rule on real-world-trading from
"This includes, but is not limited to: purchasing gold or items in Runescape, buying a Runescape account as well as paying someone to increase your account** experience(XP) in a skill or for them to complete quests and activates on your behalf."
to somthing that allows you to have unlimited rwt,if its from you
as well as removing the famous statement about rwt
"We don’t want players to be able to buy their way to success in Runescape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues Runescape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn’t affect your ability to be successful in Runescape."

29-Aug-2012 22:33:14

May Member 2021


Posts: 747 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well I think the EOC will cause 100x more player loss than the SOF or Solomans store, yet no mention of taking into consideration of how the players feel in regards to the EOC.
Come on Jagex.. Do a poll and ask how many people want it.
You guys are betting on future players instead of the ones you already have. It has been made abundantly clear than the majority wants no part of it. Look at the login numbers.. You can't even fill ONE beta world on weekends when everyone with a membership has the option.
You greatly reduced the chances of getting an effigy and replaced that with the Squeal.
You introduced Solomon and made many posts bribing people to be members.
The greater majority wants no part of the EOC yet.. you keep going with it instead of doing whats right for your existing community and scrapping it. Therefore...
I cannot help but think the only true reason for the EOC is because as it is, there's no way for you to profit from combat, the biggest part of the game. Add abilities and Bam! You have added yourselves something else to sell us.. Abilities. You say you won't but we shall see won't we? Supposing of course anyone hangs around to see.

29-Aug-2012 22:33:40

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29-Aug-2012 22:33:48

Happy Bunny
Oct Member 2014

Happy Bunny

Posts: 25 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks for telling us all this :) Maybe if you did it sooner though, less people would be angry.
I'm really looking forward to some of the things you mentioned, especially being able to play the game on tablets, platforms and smart TVs.
Also, I found it amusing when you said you wouldn't directly sell gold, xp, or accounts. Because you aren't lying! SoF isn't direct. Technically. And speaking of the SoF, I kind of like it. It's fun. And I'm glad that we can use it without really needing to pay, since there's daily spins and other ways to get them. I'll probably never buy spins.
Back to the topic. Thank you for working so much to improve the game ^_^ You do a great job.

29-Aug-2012 22:34:00



Posts: 67 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As what Harry said in 1st page, you can still "buy" spins which can possibly get you an exp lamp or 1k gold - however much it goes up to.
Forgot to add, just by being a member for one month(august) or two months (august and September) you already get like 700k exp?! 1 million exp?
Jagex contradicts themselves.

29-Aug-2012 22:35:01 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 22:41:02 by CongFused

Simply B

Simply B

Posts: 126 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is THE END! You already sell GOLD and EXP! What do you pay for with SoF? do you pay for 33 yew longs, or do you pay for a chance at 200 million coins, powerful weapons, and massive amounts of exp? how is that NOT selling gold and exp?

29-Aug-2012 22:36:57

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