
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Great Dragon

Great Dragon

Posts: 2,967 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
its all empty words. You know your going down hill, and the real kicker? your doing it to yourselves. taxes for the church, taxes for the mayor taxes for the sherrif, taxes for the king... its a wonder there is anything left to eat,
does it look like i've struck gold here?

29-Aug-2012 22:38:25



Posts: 416 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey it's Zmaster07, I'm going to start by saying in advance thanks for reading over my comment.
I think, and only I think, that player moderators would help a lot with botting and other topics surrounding that. For if you see someone advertising a gold farming website you should have the power to mute them, or someone using an auto-typer as well. As for botters you can never be sure so you wouldn't mute them and Jagex would look at how you use your powers. I myself am volunteering for the player moderator help and though I am quite certain you will politely decline this request to make me one, I have shared my opinion and that is what I meant to do.
Cheers, Jagex.

29-Aug-2012 22:39:36 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 22:39:53 by Zmaster07

Simple Man

Simple Man

Posts: 7,785 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This letter seems really nice and all, but there is a point I want to make. If they say they will not be selling gold or experience in the future, then why are they selling gold and experience via the SoF now? This contradicts the statement Mark made.
As for the bot situation. Jagex made all the effort in the world to get rid of the people that develop the bots, yet they're still ruining the game with their masses. Why is that? Is there something Jagex isn't telling us?
This letter is about as reassuring as the sale of 50+% of Jagex to some investors.

29-Aug-2012 22:39:43



Posts: 691 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"The management team and I have the heavy responsibility of ensuring the future of this incredible and unique game." - Mod MMG
Unique game? All i can do is laugh at this. Sure... that statement WAS true. Ever since this Micro-Payments came about, and, lets not forget the upcoming EoC, Runescape is far from unique.
Incredible? Well, I'd say it was when it actually was unique. Conforming to the rest of the MMOR** world is not the way, Jagex. You're just a few steps away from falling into that pit of filth every other game is in.
Edit: ^ Massive multiplayer online role playing game. If you can't figure that ** out.

29-Aug-2012 22:41:26 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 22:44:47 by Cabal



Posts: 416 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Also just adding Jagex as another tip, maybe making runescape easier to use as opposed to having download many things, and getting a lot of information on your computer. Quite opposing these lines, perhaps send new players some downloadable anti-virus download along with a guide on how to avoid being scammed in-game or out.
Cheers, Jagex.

29-Aug-2012 22:42:40



Posts: 421 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am really glade that you guys are switching to HTML5! This is going to be an epic transition in the game and I think it is going to be great!
Also, as talked about before, in a past vote the players voted majority on bringing VoIP to runescape. Is this going to happen in the future, or not? I think it would be epic if clans can communicate over VoIP on RS , without renting servers and paying for other programs to do so.
Overall, I really enjoyed this post and put my fate back into Jagex that they are really working for the good of this game. Thanks guys :D

29-Aug-2012 22:42:45

Oct Member 2022


Posts: 91 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've played RS for a long time, 4 -5 years and many people quit after about 1 - 2 years. I don't want to be one of those "Look RS updated. I'm quitting..." These updates are certainly getting bonkers and out of hand, and you could say I'm referring to SoF and probably EoC. EoC isn't going to attract new players and so is SoF. You already lost 9/10 of your players thanks to Wilderness and Free Trade removal. Then Dungeoneering update, many players quit. You brought back W&FT, gained a few more players then over the many updates such as skill nerfs, skills update, armour graphical update, bot nuke, and you could say you lost a few more players from that. This game which is slowly/rapidly progressing isn't really attracting more players. It's about maintaining the amount of old players in the game, which now of course many have quit since 2006-07. This is making me sad and I know every one who have played for a long time don't want to see their own game and hard-earned stats to go. I mean, if RS is going to go downhill, I may as well make up my mind and quit. One player down does actually make an impact.

29-Aug-2012 22:43:48 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 22:48:48 by Kaoz

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