I am greatful that Jagex is putting so much work, time, resources and money into RuneScape. I also really appreciate the bot nukes and everything youve done to make runescape legitemate. I am a little disappointed with SoF (buying the spins, ingame drops and rewards are okay.) and Solomons General Store (the bank spaces, everything else cosmetic is perfectly okay with me).
I just have a few quandries about the switch from Java to HTML5.
1) With the whole FPS update a while back, will that be for nothing since you're changing the language RuneScape is being played in anyway?
2) Will the maximum item cap be changed (hopefully raised) for no longer having the java umber limitations?
3) How will the new rendering distance affect the FPS currently with the ammount of players playing live RuneScape and the BETA?
4) Will the Camera view be different when HTML5 comes into play? Because it seemed to be a very far rendered picture from the actual character.
29-Aug-2012 22:47:49