
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Great Dragon

Great Dragon

Posts: 2,967 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
in a nutshell, your saying "micro transactions are good for the future of the game" there, i just explained all that you said in one sentence. Let me ask you something, who are you trying to convince, us, or yourselves. Greedy Uppers.. taxes for the church, taxes for the mayor taxes for the sherrif, taxes for the king... its a wonder there is anything left to eat,
does it look like i've struck gold here?

29-Aug-2012 22:44:03

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 22,193 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"You already sell GOLD and EXP!"
They aren't directly selling GP or XP, try reading again to make sure you fully understand what's going on and by the way, 200m gp is way too rare, if it's based on that fact.

29-Aug-2012 22:44:53

Sep Member 2011


Posts: 1,192 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nice story bro :) but that works only on ******* and kids... :D
Keep destroying comunity and game, that used to be awsome
years ago when i was kid....
If you realy care about this game, you gonna buy your shares back
and say **** off to US destroying investors.
Bots are ******* game up, yea its comunity fault that kids are buying gold,
but that can be fixed by introducing new mods, that have option
to ban bots instantly... something like black hole in past :)
Simon from Runeshark sad he would take that job :) Trust me i would yea.. **** you JAGEX.

29-Aug-2012 22:47:47

King Spaco

King Spaco

Posts: 275 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am greatful that Jagex is putting so much work, time, resources and money into RuneScape. I also really appreciate the bot nukes and everything youve done to make runescape legitemate. I am a little disappointed with SoF (buying the spins, ingame drops and rewards are okay.) and Solomons General Store (the bank spaces, everything else cosmetic is perfectly okay with me).
I just have a few quandries about the switch from Java to HTML5.
1) With the whole FPS update a while back, will that be for nothing since you're changing the language RuneScape is being played in anyway?
2) Will the maximum item cap be changed (hopefully raised) for no longer having the java umber limitations?
3) How will the new rendering distance affect the FPS currently with the ammount of players playing live RuneScape and the BETA?
4) Will the Camera view be different when HTML5 comes into play? Because it seemed to be a very far rendered picture from the actual character.

29-Aug-2012 22:47:49

W1ld Sp1r1t

W1ld Sp1r1t

Posts: 4,240 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Maybe if you guys would of wrote this letter along time ago you wouldn't have lost so many players. The bots are hurting your buisness because the more people that buy gold the less they spend on the gimiks. So the faster you guys get rid of the bots more money you guys make and more fun/grinding the players get to do. :)
I don't really believe the letter but does give some hope ;) . I did learn one thing from the letter once I see account/items/gold being sold. Its best to cancel my membership and move on as the game is going down the toliet.

29-Aug-2012 22:47:50

Ransom X

Ransom X

Posts: 48 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey Jagex. I've played this game for 9 years and I must say that my confidence in the games future has been shaken a few times. Thousands of people are counting on you guys. I still play because I have hope for the future, I hope that this game will once become the awesome game I used to play back when I was in school.
HTML5 looks really good, nice job. I'm usually not a fan on new graphics, but it looks good I have to admit.
Bot Nuke, keep em coming. The less bots, the better.
Go after those stupid gambling clans. It's ruined the Runescape economy and is still doing so. If people want to gamble, they can do it in the Duel Arena.
Solomons can stay, it's pretty nice to have.
Just a few suggestions from an almost 10 year vet :)

29-Aug-2012 22:48:03

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