
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

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29-Aug-2012 20:00:26

Moe Is 4210

Moe Is 4210

Forum Moderator Posts: 31,106 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Das Wanderer,
Nah. HTML5 actually incorporates a graphical canvas that allows rendering.
I stress *5* because otherwise you'd have to use Javascript and then you're just better off using Java if you're going for anything 3D.
I think it's a pretty big feat to get a 3D graphics engine going with HTML5 though. I'm not sure if anyone's done that yet.

29-Aug-2012 20:00:30

Doug K

Doug K

Posts: 956 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You can buy experience from SoF. This ruins the integrity of the game.
Sure you can get crappy items/low amounts of cash, but you are going to get the xp lamps if you buy spins.
Saying that it's not directly buying xp is just despicable.
What takes somebody days of playing somebody can buy with little time/effort.
I have given into SoF a handful of times, simply because it's there and it's too easy, plus I wanted the cosmetic items from it.
I wish that it wasn't there in the beginning.
The cosmetics is the only thing I agree with, if people want to change how things look in the game and spend money to do it that's fine.
Plus I'm sure the income from SoF/Soloman has been more than Jagex has ever seen.
Yet the updates are sub-par, if not another SoF/Soloman update.
Sure you can say EoC is coming but not everybody cares for/wants EoC.
Only thing I saw good about EoC is the potential for skilling and how the did defence/weakness. This whole ability thing is like a completely different game.
Idk /rantis*-type-thing

29-Aug-2012 20:01:18

Moe Is 4210

Moe Is 4210

Forum Moderator Posts: 31,106 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry - but I've had to remove your post. I can see your point in the song lyrics but it's not constructive and just comes off as spam.
Feel free to express how you feel on a new post, without the song lyrics please. :P

29-Aug-2012 20:01:19



Posts: 1,142 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As much as I would like to read every single one of these posts, I'm at work so I can't spare the time. I will, however, state the same thing that I've been saying for a while now.
I like the general store, in fact I support it. There is absolutely nothing that provides an advantage there and is all either purely cosmetic or in the case of the bank space increase, functional.
However, I have a problem with the squeal-wheel. First off, you can spin experience and money, which some people may like, but it does at least add a way to get a little ahead without playing, even if it's not much. But more importantly, for people like me who actually love cosmetics more than the experience lamps and gp, I can never actually seem to spin them. I would gladly give back like 1M experience or whatever I earned to get some of the pieces I can't seem to spin. And it's not like this is a holiday item in the sense that everyone has a fair chance at it; it's really just luck. On top of that, a lot of the items I would like to have are going to be removed from the wheel and I'll never be able to obtain them. I can't justify spending money for a chance to possibly get an item if I'm really lucky where I can justify spending some for the general store customizations.
I don't have time to play as often as some people and I don't have a ton of quests left that I can earn easy spins with so the likelihood of me obtaining squeal-wheel cosmetics that I want is extremely frustrating. Instead of trading in for coins, I would rather have an option to convert to tokens or some sort of currency that I could use to purchase items from a list that I was not able to spin, including the ones that are no longer on the wheel for spinning.
Even with game card items, it was stated that they may bring them back in the future, which they did as a special that you could get at the expo in the UK and may do again in the future.

29-Aug-2012 20:01:48

Ian Peregrin

Ian Peregrin

Posts: 739 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"and have been looking anxiously at feedback from all of our community"
And chose to ignore it, of course.
"For example, we know that directly selling gold, XP or even accounts would generate between 10 to 15 times more revenue than Squeal or Solomon’s Store generates combined. However, we simply won’t do it, because we don’t believe it’s the right thing for the long-term health of the game."
Until we do it, of course.
"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape."
Jagex officials did not only lie there, but also
- about account security problems, allowing third parties to make purchases in the legitimate player's name for thousands of euros/pounds/dollars (this has been fixed),
- about not having changes the terms & conditions in order to keep such illegal gains,
- about "no advertisements for members", with one or two pop-up ads every time a player logs in.
- about "player support" for the Squeal of fortune by declaring everyone who ever used a `free spin' to be in favour of microtransactions.

First step, remove ads for members.
Then, do a poll instead of just claiming "90% player support" on the Squeal of Fortune cash-for-in-game-advantages scheme. (THAT is the elephant in the room.)
Third, if and when a majority votes against it, stop selling in-game advantages - and return to the old policy.
TL;DR: "Jagex ethics" again - making new empty promises while still breaking old ones on a daily basis.

29-Aug-2012 20:02:52

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