As much as I would like to read every single one of these posts, I'm at work so I can't spare the time. I will, however, state the same thing that I've been saying for a while now.
I like the general store, in fact I support it. There is absolutely nothing that provides an advantage there and is all either purely cosmetic or in the case of the bank space increase, functional.
However, I have a problem with the squeal-wheel. First off, you can spin experience and money, which some people may like, but it does at least add a way to get a little ahead without playing, even if it's not much. But more importantly, for people like me who actually love cosmetics more than the experience lamps and gp, I can never actually seem to spin them. I would gladly give back like 1M experience or whatever I earned to get some of the pieces I can't seem to spin. And it's not like this is a holiday item in the sense that everyone has a fair chance at it; it's really just luck. On top of that, a lot of the items I would like to have are going to be removed from the wheel and I'll never be able to obtain them. I can't justify spending money for a chance to possibly get an item if I'm really lucky where I can justify spending some for the general store customizations.
I don't have time to play as often as some people and I don't have a ton of quests left that I can earn easy spins with so the likelihood of me obtaining squeal-wheel cosmetics that I want is extremely frustrating. Instead of trading in for coins, I would rather have an option to convert to tokens or some sort of currency that I could use to purchase items from a list that I was not able to spin, including the ones that are no longer on the wheel for spinning.
Even with game card items, it was stated that they may bring them back in the future, which they did as a special that you could get at the expo in the UK and may do again in the future.
29-Aug-2012 20:01:48