Whats this crap about you not selling cash and exp for the good of the game, you already are with SOF.
Also i don't care about the bots anymore, i'd rather have them at least log in for 24 hours and get a couple million exp then having a person log in and get one million exp in any skill in about 30 minutes. And hey, the gold from conversions and lucky items don't come out of nowhere, they come from another player they traded with ussually.
SOF prizes come out of thin air and encourages players to get a job and pay you money to skip game content even though thats what 90% of the game is about, getting exp in a skill thats fast, even if you hate it.
Recentlly i haven't really felt like many of you even care about the feedback, i doubt anyone even reads these. And if someone gets hacked, keylogged, scammed, lured, loses their items through a glitch, or gets their account stolen you don't lift a finger to help them, although you might ban their account so it can't be sold, so my expectations for this security system is for it to do absolutely nothing.
29-Aug-2012 19:00:51