This game isn't even worth playing anymore. The last time there was an actual update was probably over a year ago. In the past months it has been SoF, Soloman's General store, SoF, Soloman's General store... and so on with the exact same updates.
Runescape started becoming bad once they changed the website layout, they had no reason to, it looked perfectly fine ( it looked much better than this one ) and this layout is much more childish. I remember when you had to be 13+ to play this game, now you can put 1 year old and are still able to play it.
Another thing I hate about this game is having to login with your email. I know it protects your account from hackers easier, but how am I supposed to remember my username or email I randomly created just so I can play the game.
Another bad thing (in my opinion) was bringing back free trade and wildy, everything was going fine, there were't bots roaming around everywhere, but of corse there were bots. Plus with free trade coming back, every item in the game has gone down in price, you can't make any good, easy money in the game anymore. I remember getting my first million gold, I got off Chaos druids... I was level 90 killing level 13's. I got about 130k in about an hour, very good way to make money for low levels and people who were't so great at getting money, like me.
Overall, jagex shouldn't be doing everything for money, or p2p, or making every update absolutely useless to the players. Runescape is not what it used to be and it will never go back to that potential ever again because everything is about money now for jagex and this useless evolution of combat that is going to lose probably 40% of the players that play this game. Sof is useless, solomans store is useless, changing all of the armor did need to be changed, but it changed so much that is looks bad. Runescape is done, there is nothing jagex can do to make it better than it already was.
30-Aug-2012 03:36:40