
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Dec Member 2022


Posts: 1,865 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lol whoever said Jagex is the worst company, you don't know what worst is.
I'm not shouting company names but one of them never answers anyone or any tickets being sent, they ban people when they get bored and they also silence/mute people for saying underwear. So yeah, not the worst.
They are doing their best folks, respect them for you ARE playing their game.
Proud Australian RuneScaper! Need a friend? Send me a message via Twitter at

30-Aug-2012 03:42:02



Posts: 1,407 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Although I've been upset over more recent happenings, I did feel hope when he mentioned that the game might be playable on tablets and TVs and such. =o Actually been waiting on the tablet especially for a while.

30-Aug-2012 03:42:20

Morbid Urge

Morbid Urge

Posts: 150 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wow you make the future of RS sound so... "peachy". One question tho...
Mod Michelle you say, "As I touched on before, the team - all of whom are committed gamers, like you - are constantly working on new ways to improve game play, and to strengthen the studio so that more content can be created for enjoyment of the community. "
Sounds awesome but - How much are each one of these new content releases going to cost me?

30-Aug-2012 03:43:08

Dec Member 2022


Posts: 1,865 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've not done Monkey Madness and don't think I ever will. I hate long quests. Desert treasure was annoying enough.
I love you Jagex and always will <33
Proud Australian RuneScaper! Need a friend? Send me a message via Twitter at

30-Aug-2012 03:45:09

Rad Bromance
Feb Member 2020

Rad Bromance

Posts: 569 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So read the news post, read some of the forum responses and what i expected to happen has.
First post mentioning SoF is basically selling xp and surprise surprise jagex ignore that and focus on someone just ranting.
And if Runescape isn't going down the crapper why is this 'sizzling summer' going right now?
Is it to make up for the lack of bonus xp weekends? No.
All this shows is how desperate Jagex are to keep people playing and get more people playing. The integrity of jagex and the game has already been destroyed by these scams they introduce. Runescape may be at it highest point in terms of revenue gain but that doesn't mean the game is getting better. When they do eliminate the bots thats a good 60% of players gone. The amount of people that are just disgusted with the lack of content introduced over the past few months is increasing. ( by lack of content I do not judge solomon or sof updates as content since the only reason they are there is to scam players out of more money so the investors can continue bleeding the life out of the game.
There will be no recovery form this, the end of runescape has been predicted for years and the truth is runescape wont die. Jagex will just go through the infinity wrd fiasco. Every decent dev ( the very few there are) will leave until it's only the useless waste of resources left ( MMG ect.)
So you can continue to try and defend your position with these scammy updates but if you plan on introducing **** like this, the least you can do is actually try to fit it into the gsame. Actually try to develop some lore or backstory for it rather than just having this **** magically appear in front of your characters face. Ohh wait, you can't do that because that takes away from the time you can develop **** to scam people with.

30-Aug-2012 03:46:04



Posts: 169 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey, I belive HTML5 has a bunch to do with mobile applications. Does this mean that RuneScape would become available to mobile phones without the use of Java and/or cloud computing?
Also the Ipod touch
So excited and would like more updates on just how adding everything in Runescape on a platform would work. I would like to know about controls and if the worlds would link up to the PC versions.
Thanks, :D
Also, I don't see much of a difference to directly or indirectly selling EXP and coins. You should make the SOF cosmetic only like thoese awesome storm rings! These updates are destroying the value of the game UNTIL you can resolve the inflation of EXP and coins. I would like to see some updates on decreasing inflation, like the nerfing of runespan for example was a great update. Also bot nuke, which I know you realize the severity.
Sincerly Hero

30-Aug-2012 03:46:36



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Go to page 113 and read about IVP. Jagex doesnt run the game anymore. Theyve broken almost anything theyve made. Theyre scamming us. Its useless. Theyre not trying the best they can because theyre under control of IVP. Their fan base is going down every year. They have poor updates. Almost any game is better than this now.

30-Aug-2012 03:46:52



Posts: 1,519 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Runescape cannot expand if it's centered around the past. i read a lot of posts on here saying there was no real updates except sof this is definitely not true loggin to runescape it has changed a lot those are all updates the game has to expand somehow and graphic updates are crucial to any game it attracts new players and importantly leaves room for more updates. Surely Jagex can't please everyone because everyone has their own opinion. no one is forcing you to play the game.
As for my feedback on Mod Marks post; I thought it was quite obvious why SOF was made and if that is what will bring more updates then i'm fine with it, again no one is forcing people to pay for this it doesn't ruin the economy it's quite harmless besides the xp gaining..
and thank you for getting rid of these bots again.. please make it work forever this time.

30-Aug-2012 03:47:11

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