
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
;) i,v bean in and out of the grand exchange and bean reporting the gold-spamers. i,v also been on the look out for botters and let me tell you should look for them at all the yew trees,willow,oak and magic. you should also look at the fishing spot thats in kilmanjarl and place some mods there for about 1-2 hours and people that never stop to rest from runing from the fish man back to the fishing spot should be investigated. i,v bean with runescape from the begining back in 1998

30-Aug-2012 03:18:08

Nov Member 2011


Posts: 265 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex, I personally don't understand the flack you get. While I myself don't personally enjoy the Squeal of Fortune and Solomon Store (BUT there are some nice little things for sale in that store), I also understand you need revenue. Free players only generate so much ad revenue from playing while us P2P players always pay the same amount a month (Well, I lied, I pay less from being an older member).
The store and SOF are trivial honestly and the player base needs to grow up. If I remember correctly, you were bought by Western stock holders, no? There is part of the reason for those things, but they also exist as a sort of lottery system to help with your development of Runescape. The players who complain about ya'll (Pardon that, I am Texan) not using your development time probably don't understand the amount of time it takes to a) create said content, and b) implement it, nor do they have room to complain. If they have so much time to play this game and potentially complete EVERYTHING it has to offer, then they need to take a break.
Seriously, there isn't any reason to complain to Jagex about a stupid little lottery wheel that has EXP lamps that give low amounts of EXP nor for a store that sells exclusive items that are purely cosmetic (Except the bank storage, that is an advantage but a minor one really since you have PLENTY of room). IF the player base is really complaining about the 'cash shop' so much, then they must not have played games like Atlantica Online (Where you get boxes for cash in the sums of 10 dollars on average with random items or for an ore that sells for tons of cash ingame) or Battlefield Play4Free where cash shop items dominate. Players, get over it. Jagex, keep up with the development of my favorite browser game.
On a side note, HTML 5 looks amazing, but the water does seems a tad funky. Could be the angle, I don't know I don't design graphics for a living, and the draw distance is breathtaking. THOSE are what I want to see.

30-Aug-2012 03:18:23



Posts: 190 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex, you could learn a thing or two with how to deal on microtransactions the way Valve does for Team Fortress 2: instead of impeding the players and blocking content for the sake of short-term money gains, make them WANT to spend that money in the form of goodies they can show off.
In the TF2 example, every item in the microtransaction store (except for keys) is available within the game as a random drop from a limited amount every week *hint hint*. Among these random drops but excluded from the limit are crates with special versions of the game's items which can only be opened via keys only available from the store at very low prices.
How this can improve the squeal of fortune? Make the current version free as it were before the purchasable spins while adding another one that uses bought spins exclusively but offers cosmetic and unique rewards which are all untradable such as weapons that evolve the more kills you do in PvE/PvP like the chompy hats to the ability of turning into other major races (dwarf, gnome, elf, goblin/dorgeshuun, ogre, etc.).
All of these are purely cosmetic and offer no real advantage to the players, yet tend to be very miscellaneous trinkets people tend to want for the sake of showing off. Every single item in the premium wheel would have that in some form or other, so it's a thing to consider as a compromise.

30-Aug-2012 03:21:48

Gray Wolves
Apr Member 2023

Gray Wolves

Posts: 1,543 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My personal issues with these updates is the fact that they are limiting everything.
Get this item by paying more. (SoF, Solomon) - This is not an option for me, this means I will not be able to get access to many items (even if it is cosmetic... kindof).
Get this item by playing between time x and time z. (Olympic, early bird, etc...) - This is annoying for me who wants to experience everything in the game. (I gave up, it is making me jumpy if I missed something or not that I may never be able to get again. At least you knew when holidays were in the past...).
Get this item by paying at certain time. (Game Cards, Aug/Sept months) - This is annoying, mostly game cards since I pay by cc cause i can't get access to game cards.
I can accept change, but as a player who wishes to play every bit of content and is basically a completionist gamer means I am limited from now on. This changes how I personally view this game.
Going from having access to everything in the game to being limited to certain content is annoying.

30-Aug-2012 03:22:05



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Cannibass
Its not the hoarders that i care about, its the terrible dicisions made by jagex. Why in the world do climbing boots need to go up by 5020% in 5 minutes? Whats it going to do to the game thats going to be better for the gaming experience? They're going under more and more every year and theyre worrying about spending time on banning bots thatll just come back stronger and more effective than ever. If you put too much hand sanitiser on your hands, only the strongest germs will live. Therefore, the strongest ones continue to mutate and get worse and worse. Same goes for bots, some1 has a bot that doesnt get nuked, he uses that bot as an innovative idea for newer waves of bots, making that innitial ban useless. Never before have i seen a game with so many bots. It would be as if 50% of all cod players had bots playing in a team game every que (ill probably get introuble by jagex for referencing that game but i dont care). This game is built for bots to play its funny how terribly structured this is. Bot nukes do nothing but bring harder to stop bots in larger and larger waves

30-Aug-2012 03:22:36



Posts: 513 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My only issue is that SoF IS IN FACT SELLING EXP!!!!! This fact is undeniable. Just because exp is not acquired directly does NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!
/concludes rant. I do, however, appreciate the update on information. Aside from what i mentioned above, I have great hopes for Runescape.

30-Aug-2012 03:24:41



Posts: 1,574 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I Sincerely thank you for your long awaited response Mod MMG. Players want customer service, and when the CEO is able to respond to them it makes us feel like a person rather than an object. I know you are probably extremely busy as a CEO, but finding time to give a post now and then to respond to a recent update is something that players appreciate a lot!
I did not read all of the replies, but I know a lot of them are saying things like "Get rid of SoF" etc. and I understand the players thoughts on this. I understand how it could be linked to selling gold / exp through the spin rewards, and how the players feel about that. I also understand your thoughts about why you are keeping it and I agree it would help.
The switch from Java to HTML5 gives me some concern. Java is constantly updated by Oracle with security fixes and improvements to stability. Switching to HTML5 could have a lot of security loopholes, especially when first released. Will there be a BETA version of that to find and fix these issues? Will players be safe logging in with the new format?
Lastly, the JaGEx Account Guardian. I have a concern about this as well, and hope that we can get more information about it before it is released. Will JAG be optional? If not is it something that we must download that runs in the background services of our computer? I would not want something like that, I have been forced to have them active while playing some other games and sometimes it causes problems. If it is something that links an account to a specific computer in order to login, that could also be a problem, because I play Runescape when I vacation sometimes, or sometimes when I go to a friends house. Also with cross-platforming coming, it could be an issue if it is restricted to 1 device. If it is integrated within the script, I am curious how it works, I want to be sure of the safety of my account and know what is happening behind the curtain.
These questions may have been answered. Sorry if so. TY

30-Aug-2012 03:25:18

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