Jagex, I personally don't understand the flack you get. While I myself don't personally enjoy the Squeal of Fortune and Solomon Store (BUT there are some nice little things for sale in that store), I also understand you need revenue. Free players only generate so much ad revenue from playing while us P2P players always pay the same amount a month (Well, I lied, I pay less from being an older member).
The store and SOF are trivial honestly and the player base needs to grow up. If I remember correctly, you were bought by Western stock holders, no? There is part of the reason for those things, but they also exist as a sort of lottery system to help with your development of Runescape. The players who complain about ya'll (Pardon that, I am Texan) not using your development time probably don't understand the amount of time it takes to a) create said content, and b) implement it, nor do they have room to complain. If they have so much time to play this game and potentially complete EVERYTHING it has to offer, then they need to take a break.
Seriously, there isn't any reason to complain to Jagex about a stupid little lottery wheel that has EXP lamps that give low amounts of EXP nor for a store that sells exclusive items that are purely cosmetic (Except the bank storage, that is an advantage but a minor one really since you have PLENTY of room). IF the player base is really complaining about the 'cash shop' so much, then they must not have played games like Atlantica Online (Where you get boxes for cash in the sums of 10 dollars on average with random items or for an ore that sells for tons of cash ingame) or Battlefield Play4Free where cash shop items dominate. Players, get over it. Jagex, keep up with the development of my favorite browser game.
On a side note, HTML 5 looks amazing, but the water does seems a tad funky. Could be the angle, I don't know I don't design graphics for a living, and the draw distance is breathtaking. THOSE are what I want to see.
30-Aug-2012 03:18:23