
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

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Posts: 20 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
^ yes and they would refund you everything you've lost as well. only Caz i got hacked and lost 50 mil of work that i put in years of membership which i paid by the way all gets taken away from me and they just say oh well. it takes a long time when your doing things legit and not botting you know!! Thats the only time ill say ***** you jagex.
I haven't really played since the except for recently for a while. I don't care much about salomons or squeel. This company deserves money too you know. weather we agree with them or not they still made the game. if any of you ever tried to make one you'd understand how frustrating and time consuming coding really is. The option is there for the people that want it. Don't hate on how other people excel, you play this game only because you want to have fun with your character. If your really a weenie about it then buy your levels from squeel of fortune and shut up. I on the other hand think the game is more fun when you do things naturally.
If anything the real argument or " discussion and suggestions" should be more about combat beta. I kinda liked the idea at first, until I went to god wars. pvp in my opinion is more balanced, but did anyone noticed how long it takes to kill monsters that you originally kill in one hit in the game. If the combat beta becomes the new game the way it is now, then its gonna become a real issue for me and probably a lot of people. I think its not gonna be worth investing in my fun anymore. In this game money managing and time it consumes means everything to a lot of us. I'm not gonna take 1 hour to get in god wars door, I'm not gonna take 4-8 min to kill frost dragons for a single bone. I already waisted enough time in this game. when i got hacked, all the years of work I put in this game to make the money was waisted. now I don't want to deal with things taking longer to kill, everything revolves around combat in this game! Im not complaining, take it as a suggestion.

30-Aug-2012 03:04:21



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Eventually forum mods are going to start reading these posts and start muting us from the forums for the day once we start hitting the mark and people start understanding whats going on. If you havent figured this out- go back a page or 2 and ctrl F (find) IVP . those posts will tell you jagex isnt jagex its a scam company now running under the name of jagex

30-Aug-2012 03:12:24

Feb Member 2008


Posts: 66 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have been absent in the past month, since there has been an extremely small amount of content to have come out. I have played this game for over 7 years and this last year has been my absolute worse experience with Runescape. If you needed more money, which you don't because I know for a fact that there are studios that could double the quality of this game with half the income, raise the membership. Oh wait, you did, but raise it more if it "truely" needed to be done. The fact that you said you have doubled the team to provide exceptional content in the future, is ridiculous. Back in 2007-2009 you had 3 times the amount of content being released, that was actually anticipated by your community. Here lately, the content is empty and simply lacking creativity. This article spat in our faces, and I cannot continue to pay for an MMO who's developers have lost interest in their foundations. I have met many friends, had some awesome times, but I have officially lost all faith in this game. By the way, JaGeX grosses over 50 million dollars a year, and the best you can offer is an increased draw distance and a switch from java to html5, which should have been done years ago. 146 days invested in this account and a few hundred dollars, so I am disappointed that one of my greatest gaming experiences had to cease in this manner. Goodbye RS and its mostly fantastic community, but I'm going to leave this game before I have nothing else positive to remember.

30-Aug-2012 03:12:36

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 327 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You aren't -actually- criticizing JaGex for a market manipulation that happened over a year ago, are you? So some pack rats got rich, are you still heaving with jealousy that, oh, guess what, some one had a bunch of rock climbing boots? Why don't you just head on over the Item Discussion forum, take a glance at the Weird Collections thread, and pray to god that some guy with 8,300,000 acorns doesn't see the light of day where they jump 1000%. God forbid you should have to be jealous of him too! To be worrying about its impact on the economy is useless because it doesn't affect you personally. Mass creation of in-game gold via skilling (a.k.a botting) is actually a problem when there aren't any items being created (through monster drops) or exchanged (through trading and dropped through the Wilderness), as an unbalance starts to be made.

30-Aug-2012 03:12:43

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 54 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Way too many posts I've read talked about wanting old Runescape back (it won't come back, but check out 2006scape if you're interested in a old Runescape remake) or hating on Jagex/IVP for adding micro-transactions or hating on EoC or complaining about bots. EoC will commence, and if you hate it, quit, because there's nothing you can do about it. Micro-transactions will be in the game no matter what, because IVP (the people who OWNS the majority of Jagex) wants the $$$$ from them. Concerning the bot problem, there's not much we can do about them. Some bots we can kill (both in-game and outside) but the majority of them we can't do a thing about. It's up to Jagex to do that.
Just a message to the haters: You can't do anything about it, so put up or shut up.

30-Aug-2012 03:16:29

Apr Member 2019


Posts: 447 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
sadly have to say that they have got to put out some sort of statement to try and convince us that the runescape world is hunky dory and will just get better and better. Runescape is in such a mess right now that no one can fail to notice and wonder how much longer it will go on for . Of course if you think the game is on the way out your not going to waste your money on all those glossy little pixels or buying lamps on sof .
the runescape community has been telling you since April why they are leaving the game and they have been doing so in large numbers. just look at this thread everyone is telling you what they like and dislike but no one takes any notice of us just more sof and now bank space in solomons , what happened to the just cosmetic promise ? The game has also completly lost direction too....
one example why on earth would a player bother to get the levels to do the quests to get a water tiara if you just get handed an ice cream cone that does the same thing ,as the player rightly said another achievement made pointless dead content.

30-Aug-2012 03:17:11

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