
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Level 5 All
Dec Member 2023

Level 5 All

Posts: 179 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This **** about Jagex posting an entire tl;dr post full of PLAIN EVASION of the topic and just praising the game and the team... full of lies about the game going to a unique direction!!
This **** about mod stevew answering only to supporting posts and forgetting all the unhappy players considering them "haters"!!
This **** about saying that they'll never directly sell xp and gold WHILE ACTUALLY SoF directly sells xp and gold!!
And Players Actually Supporting Them and Having Faith Restored!! Orwellian nonesense! How more stupid can the 12yo iq community get?
Just plaaaaaaainnnnnnnnn orwellian nonesense... and yeh go ahead, ignore what i say and call me a hater cause that will just frustrate and disappoint me more
also, i've actually read the post as well as 23 pages of replies.. what i saw frustrated me enough to have shortened my lifetime 10 years

30-Aug-2012 15:15:09



Posts: 13,613 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lower the cap on Squeal to lower the gambling damage and the game effect of selling so much gp and xp.
$200 daily cap on Squeal is way too high.
Updates don't matter to me with Squeal poisoning everything. You will have noticed this yourself with all content updates being contaminated by SoF commentary.
This is going to continue while SoF is the primary focus of Jagex. Doing something like lowering the cap will show players more than words.

30-Aug-2012 15:16:04 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 15:17:04 by Fargrist

Holy Halo
Oct Member 2022

Holy Halo

Posts: 1,052 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Quote from Mod Zach
'We have put a lot of effort in the first half of the year on new systems like Squeal of Fortunate and Solomons General Store as well as some of the big technical innovations that we highlighted above, like you I don’t think a marketing promotion should count towards a content update, and although there will continue to be regular promotions and updates on Squeal or Solomon’s store we are squarely focusing a dedicated team bringing you weekly game content and updates no matter what.'

Will it be quality stuff? or, will it be half thought out?
I would like an awnser to how much dedication will be put into the development of these new updates and new game content over the coming weeks and whether or not there will be dedicated teams to provide 'quality' updates.

30-Aug-2012 15:16:23



Posts: 4,636 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
While I haven't played Runescape since buyable spins were added to the Squeal of Fortune, I'd like to say I'm happy to see Jagex implementing html5 support!
Please accept my congratulations on the anti-bot effort too.

Even though I still think Runescape has become too different for me to enjoy it to the same extent as before, (and sometimes, at all); as a ("retired" ) long-time player I can't help but still feel some connection.

Thanks to the eerie amount of nostalgia this game is able to conjure (the music is particularly scary), Runescape will probably always occupy a bit of my mind. No matter what course this game takes, I wish you well in creating a virtual fantasy where both young and old can thrive.

30-Aug-2012 15:20:45 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2015 16:54:50 by Vardath

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