
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 327 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I felt some weight being lifted off my chest reading this, because although I was somewhat discerned about the "Squeal of Fortune" & "Solomon's General Store" updates at first, I didn't quite take into account that the developers do and have in fact taken significant financial losses for the long-term health of the game.
In the past, some of the drastic measures taken to preserve the game's integrity and health were greatly criticized but with good reason. From the perspective of the game's long-term health, there's no denying that the removal of Free Trade, the Wilderness and Traditional Staking were mistakes — but they recognized this and virtually reversed the update. It was clear these three were key components to what made RuneScape appeal to so many players: the people who played to merchant and collect items; those who played took pride in butchering others in the Wilderness, and those who enjoyed the precise and administrated high stake fights in the Duel Arena.
They had good intentions — the economy of the game had to be protected from black market gold and botting mules. As a result, Free Trade had to go, and being that PKing and Staking were inclusive to this, they had to be modified each to a specific extent. Had no action been taken, the soon-to-be-tanked economy would ruin the quality of the game. New measures have taken place to stop the black market at its core without taking away from the game itself. Bot nukes, lawsuits, and shutting down the botting companies themselves were important initiatives to put an end to illegitimate game income.

30-Aug-2012 02:54:10 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 03:02:16 by Examine

Dec Member 2023


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On the other hand, the introduction of micro-payments doesn't have any significant impact on the game. It does however have an impact on the community's perspective of JaGex as a game developer as well as a business, but many don't like to be reminded that they must play the role of both. That's why some of these decisions have to be made. In of themselves however, these micro-transaction payments aren’t anything to be mad at. Albeit, a couple of the items available in the shop are a little questionable (specifically the bank slots!), but all in all I love my three daily spins and running a chance for a sweet Medium XP lamp or maybe even a Skill Pendant. Hell, I’ve won the 500K pot once, and with it I bought myself a bunch of awesome enchanted bolts (I love enchanted bolts; they’re so awesome to be able to pick from). I digress; these aren’t the updates we should be wasting time arguing about.
The Evolution of Combat, a completely re-work of the decade-old combat system (and in my opinion the awesome, legendary, combo-kicking, dragon punching, weapon switching, super fantastic combat system), is on its way! We should be more focused on giving JaGex an idea of what the community likes and what it doesn’t like. Players should have more initiative on voicing their opinions, but this is simply an unrealistic request. A mass vote should be held, because well, let’s face it: how much easier is it to vote for either 'yes' or 'no'? As opposed to letting people keyboard-bash others on what they think of it, perhaps branching out to more than just the forum users would be a good start.
Currently there's no definitive way of knowing the overall opinion on this update, as there's no way of gauging the votes unless extreme examination of forums posts is done. That to me sounds a whole lot more complicated then opening a poll to all players upon log-on (I would limit it to one vote per IP address — let brothers at home argue about which vote they'll cast!).
Just my 2 cents.

30-Aug-2012 02:54:16 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 03:04:50 by Examine

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 327 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If any of you actually took the time to actually read my comments, I'd like to give you a great big thank-you! I cautiously reserved a third post just in case but I didn't really need it, so why not use it for this? Haha, but yeah. Thanks man. You're awesome.

30-Aug-2012 02:54:22 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 02:59:33 by Examine

Sep Member 2022


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Break Yelps, I understand where you are coming from when you are calling JaGeX supporters sheeple. Many players are blinded by the fancy language that MMG used to try to convince people of the message contents. However, I want to make clear that some of us have been around the block multiple times, with very different genres on multiple gaming platforms, and I, for one, have yet to see a better support system of a game monetarily than micro-transactions.
They are a sure fire way to make quite a bit of money, as many gamers have several hundred times more money than they have IQ points. If you will read the first post on page 101 of this thread, you will see that, while I am not one of your "sheeple," I am a player who admires the fact that JaGeX has FINALLY come out in the open and unabashedly announced that they have micro-transactions in game.
The only reason I support JaGeX in this case is the fact that, in this case, dealing with this issue, they were honest with us for the first time, which, for me, lends a certain believability to their story. I might be sorely mistaken, but I truly hope their story is true, at least partially.
Note- I am in no way shape or form foolish enough to believe that they can keep bots out of the game, buuuut one month is about all I need farming frosties straight for 99 prayer, so bring it on baby.

30-Aug-2012 02:54:41



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There are free games (That we cant talk about because this is jagex's house) that are a lot better than this will ever become. This is a game for bots unless you merchant or play with friends or do their annoying style of pvp. So there isnt much that this game offers that every other game doesnt have already. Its been 11 years since runescape was made and theyre just now talking about dualwielding weapons? lol what a joke its not going to change anything about gameplay, things will just die faster unless you fight a dragon or something, bandos and other items will overpower the dual wielding 100% of the time making it entirely useless. Their updates are boring and dull. Id advise you to leave this and go play a real mmo

30-Aug-2012 02:55:38



Posts: 279 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
On another thread, a recent player says this is all about improving the game.
"The goal of the game is to become the best possible. It is not going to be if things stay as they are, or go back to what they were."
Going back is bad? Here's why I'd prefer a return to the "old" RS.
In the worst days of "old" Runescape the bots were NEVER as dense as now. There are significant regions of content which are unplayable NOW due to bots. Rather than new ways to promote gambling (which really troubles me as a parent) and reneging on the promise not to sell in-game boosts (new bank space), Jagex could be working on both bot killing and a better way for the community to help out on that problem and take us back to the days when bots didn't kill content.
The game engine has suffered greatly with many players, including me, seeing significant stuttering and FPS problems. Fix that before introducing the new HTML5 version (which, given Jagex's recent poor QA history, will be DOA). I'd be happy to go back to a game client that supported 60+ FPS.
Quests, which used to add nuance to the game story, have been replaced with preambles to unusable content (botted grotworms) or to introduce new cosmetics. I'd be happy to go back to the days of Desert Treasure which were tough and added to the depth of the game.
The wildy nuke and the death of PK clans could fill a 100 posts. While I didn't like the PK clans much, they were a vital element of the overall community and economy whose death diminished the game.
I like a lot of the graphical and some of the content updates but would gladly trade that away to get back to the kind of game Runescape used to be.

30-Aug-2012 02:56:37

Apr Member 2023


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Jagex thank you for explaining everything to us, it's really nice to see that our money isn't going to waste.
I did at first complain but now I see the light. Though I feel that I have a suggestion you should all take seriously, the Loyalty Shop and Solomon's Store+SoF should all be fused into one. That way our Loyalty Points should be able to buy us everything, though if we want everything, we need to invest extra money, therefore everyone's happy. Please listen to this Jagex, deep inside it's what we all want.
If you can't be a pencil to write anyone's happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove someone's sadness.

30-Aug-2012 02:58:50

Simply B

Simply B

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"As part of the investment, Chris Mitchell and Jim Quagliaroli of Spectrum Equity, and Brandon Gardner and John Salter of Raine, will join Jagex's board of Directors. Mark Gerhard, along with **** ****** and **** ******* from [IVP], will continue to serve as Directors of the company."
The above was when IVP took majority holding into Jagex inc.. Jagex doesn't own Jagex anymore folks. IVP are the people making the decisions now, they've turned MMG into a puppet. The post he posted earlier about microtransactions probably wasn't in his writing, he most likely endorsed it. Just think, why would he not post under his own account?
Next fun quote for everyone to digest:
"Jagex has long held a leadership position in bringing to market innovative, entertaining and sophisticated online games", said **** ******, Managing Director at [IVP]. "Jagex's team has been developing several new games in the same tradition; our new investment will help accelerate their successful launch."
---All quotes taken from a Jagex press release, circa Feb. 2011
Notice 'accelerate their successful launch', what it seems IVP meant by that statement was they intend to milk us, the loyal fanbase of 12+ years, for everything we're worth. Since IVP has gained majority control they've probably had a hand in SoF and Solomon's. Jagex is currently in a state of battle within itself. You'll see jagex posting about 'bot killing' and 'player banning', because they want to maintain the appearance of being the same company that they were before IVP. Posts like that were unheard of before this summer. Jagex has no control of what happens with microtransactions. Look at GAIA online, another game IVP has majority control over, that's the path runescape is headed down. We're past the point of no return. Under IVP's control, membership will continue to become dwarfed by microtransactions, Solomon and SoF will only become more invasive. Anything short of that is a lie. Don't blame MMG, and don't blame Jagex

30-Aug-2012 03:02:42



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"the economy of the game had to be protected from black market gold and botting mules. As a result, free-trade had to go, and being that it was inclusive to PKing and staking, these had to be modified each to a specific extent. Had no action been taken, the tanked economy would ruin the quality of the game."
Alright but you can thank them for breaking every1s GP by increasing climbing boots by 5020% overnight making any1 that was a packrat super rich. They discourage us from making gold faster than farming stuff all day long. If you could merchant well, you need a lot of gp to be able to do it in the first place. People hate waisting time on this game to get a few mill of gold when they could just buy it for a few bucks and enjoy themselves more than they would have before. This game has been broken due to stupid ideas and boring updates forced on our community. Breaking bots isnt the solution theyre waisting money. Stopping gold transfers from major sites is a good idea, but they dont understand why people do it, so that only partially fixes the problem. You will never get rid of all bots on runescape. Just as you can never remove all viruses from the internet. Every second 2 new viruses are created (based on popular sciences statistics) So breaking them is impossible. People just spend a few hours making a new bot while you wait months and years to figure out how to detect break and bann them with your servers. This game is going down and will never recover unless some major changes fall onto the table right now. If i were controlling jagex, id sell the game to a major game producer and theyd take it around the world. And theyd still make money off of a possible royalty

30-Aug-2012 03:03:48

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